Friday, February 27, 2009

World Art2

This is some object not found in Internet... but you can get it here... lmao!

Just kidding.. again and again I'm gonna say to you that all of these dolls aren't made by me... It's not my creation, friendly speaking :D:D:D... "If it happens once, it can happen again,"

I just collected it for my own pleasure... it nice effect that you can apply with some Pen Shape Tool.. believe me.. it just made up by that Tool... the trick is goona come out lil' later... just wait up fellas!!!

See the similarity of this kinda pic here (Diara, the green one)!

Click thumbnail to enlarge!


  1. I can wait forever for the tutorial.

    Mbok ya aja kesuwen Ditunggu beneran. :D

  2. lagi berduka tante... bentar lagi aja yahh... maap...

  3. blm cing..... kan lg selametan atas blog baru nya si encing :)

  4. entar kena banned gimana tuh mas?

  5. very nice, but i can't see full image.. access denied .. :(

  6. Good morning, thank you for the comment, a pleasant week with successes. Hugs Valter.

  7. 9ambare nda fuLL ya hehehhe...

  8. ntar di benerin deyh :( lg berkabung nih masalahnya :(


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