Monday, December 28, 2009

Win a Google Nexus One!

Win a Google Nexus One!

There are so many sites that we can use to generate some bucks from the internet. Just like I've described earlier, is a great program like google adsense.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Photoshop 3D Text Image Galery

Photoshop 3D Text Image Galery

We will explain with the simplest words I know how to do creating a simple 3D Text image composition, layout an interesting background, and define eventually the true light

Saturday, December 12, 2009

3D Text

3D Text

It can be as simple as you like, or as hardest. Never give up. Give a lil' try to always incorporates something old and something modern to your insane

Friday, December 11, 2009

Embedding with Marble

Embedding with Marble

Hi there again. Embedding something to uneven survace is not so damn difficult as you can see. Whenever you've dealed with this kinda software, then you could obviously apply
Creating Bubbles

Creating Bubbles

Creating bubbles using Photoshop is not so difficult as you can imagine. It is a quick and easy damn way to create many kinds of shapes and textures,
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