1. Open your artwork in about 500x500px with white BG contents
2. I've created a circle using the Shape Tool (U), I've made it Green (#01a32f). This circle will be the middle round element of the logo.
3. Righ click on your Shape so you can edit it later...
4. Pick your 65 Brush diameter (B), and with just One click on your left top corner of your Green Ball... voila!!!
While looking carefully of the logo back then I've actually saw that the reflection has some Yellowish green color. You will probably see it too.
5. So here we go. Create a New Layer, I've picked my favorite Tool, Elliptical Marquee Tool (M), draw a lil' circle just like the image shows... fill with Yellow, then set your layer Opacity into 35%

So here we have it. It actually some yellow there. If you done with it, you can merge the layer (Layer 1 with Shape 1) by pressing Ctrl + E... done?!?!?!? |
6. The next step is to create the Gray one, the one that has holes. Create a New Layer from the Palette Layer, repeat the 2nd step, but with this #FFFFFF fill color transformation... then make it a little bit gray there, after all that steps, send your Shape 2 just above your Background Layer...
7. Now maybe that most difficult part of all this is to create wholes. I will use Shape Tool (U) to create oval form. Use Warp Transformation to create more like egg form.
The second one needs a little bit more effort to make. Use Pen Tool (P) to make this. Try to match the shape of the original one.
8. Merge your Grey Shape with your Two Red Shape, now you know why I use red to make the two last shape? I'm gonna delete it... jiakakakkakakkakk... is that so easy right there?!?!? Lmao!!!
Tired??? Drink your hot chocolate, first... rise your music volume into the highest level... shit.. is that Sepultura that plays? Let me borrow it Sir!!! Lol...!!!
9. Next... Create another copy of the Green middle circle. Just hit Ctrl + J, that's enuf... Remember, before you hit it.. activate your Green area in palette Layer... hehheeheh...

Just make that circle bigger then the first one, and rotate it.

10. Again pick your Pen Tool (P) to draw final Dark Green Shape as back part of the Logo.. just the small one but... important... :)
11. Last but not least.. make these three blink-blink stuffs... you guys can do that with any Tools you like, Shape, Elliptical Marquee, your cup of coffee, your knees, your rounded tiles of your mommy's house... anything brother, anything... Done?!?!?!
La la la la la laaa... it's a wraaapppp...!!! La la la la laaa laa la...
Here's the final result :
 If you guys can apply that thing into the right pace so you can do with this other logo such as Alexa logo, Global Tv anything...
enak ya yang dapet proyek trusss...
ReplyDeleteproyek dari hongkong!!!
ReplyDeletewuiiih hebat km ya..muda, kreatif menghasilkan good move buddy.. sssssttt ajarin jurus bisnisnya dunk..
ReplyDeleteTeteh ada-ada aja nih... harusnya saya yg belajar... di tunggu loh ajaran jitunya :) benerean, sweeeerrr wer kewer-kewer!!!
ReplyDeletewell, i cant comment at your multiply blog. it need me to login. sorry
ReplyDeleteMantaff sob, teruskan kreatifitasmu.
ReplyDeleteHalo sobat, apa kabar? Salam hormat dan sukses selalu untukmu yaa. Terima kasih atas persahabatannya...
Cheers, frizzy.
@ thegands : that's OK kang :) gpp kuk... itu cuma buat nambah2in link di kandang saya ini... biar kliatan banyak link out nya :)
ReplyDeletemkasih udah mampir kang :)
@ frizzy : pastinya kang... ribuan terimakasih om Frizz atas dorongan semangatnya teruama di tiap reply post maupun blogwalking nya..
o iy... moga gavinka cepeeet sembuh kang :)
buat shotmix donk biar lebih praktiss :D, nanya apakah ini ...
ReplyDeletewes manteb tutornya, eniwe FCDB singkatan nya apa??
ReplyDelete@ jonk : wah maaf utk permintaan yg satu itu belum bisa saya penuhi engan berbagai alasan yg sepertinya 'kuat' utk pribadi saya... maaf sekali lagi... mungkin nanti jika saya sudah berubah pendirian :)
ReplyDeleteterimakasih masukannya :)
@ nirmana : future creative design bureau :) ^o^
ReplyDeletedesain logo???
bisa" =P~
kunjungan balik
ReplyDeleteGavikal sudah pulang, terima kasih kepada sobat blogger atas simpati, empati dan doanya. Let's do blogging away...
ReplyDeleteCheers, frizzy.
wah, template rame ini sepertinya si boss perlu nyoba kenikmatan nona joomla jugag nih..hehehe..thanks ya dah mampir ke blogku
ReplyDeleteikut nimbrung :)
ReplyDeletegenial memang kreatif... hmm...telaten ya...
ReplyDeletemakin mantap neh koleksinya ya... :)
ReplyDeleteboss punya totorial bikin flash gak?
ReplyDeletewah maaf baru mampir kang...wkwkwkwk, koneksi lemot dan lambret mase dial-up...hihihihi
baidewei, ini themes ky punya ponakan saya aja neh, hurufnya juga century gotic sama kaya si cebong, ciri2 yang sama...hahahah...mn pake kt2 soto-sop :D
ga tau juga dah...heheheh
baidewei, kok ndak habis ide seh...wkwkwkwk, saya udah burem ndak pernah sotosopan lagi, lagian cuma bsia itu doang...hahahah, ndak sempet belajar ato oprek, soale udah jadi blogger matre nie kang...hihihi
@ fauzanramon : beeeeedeeeeuhhhhh
ReplyDelete@ yuni & Komputer Grafis : di monggoooo... mba'e... ati2 kepleseddd!!
@ frizzy & Penyamun Blogger : sama-sama buat akang2 na juga :)
@ Diary Pink : maacih, seuprit duang kuk'...
@ Lyla : amien moga terus bsa di update ni blognya...
@ wh : sedikit duang kang... gmn dund.. gag gtu bsa soalnya :p :( :((
@ gdenarayana : wewww... emang sama ya...?!?!? (ngintip meluncuurrr mode on*)... kang ajarin jadi blogger matre dund... ^o^
Kalo untuk Narzis Blog's gimana nih logo'x..???
mas photoshoper makin mantap kreatifitasnya. ;) lanjutkan. mas kerja di drafter kah?
ReplyDeletegimana yah setelah lulus kuliah nanti.
ReplyDelete@ Zippy : gmn klu logonya 'burung kasuari'... eee apa iia.. hmmm... tau deee... iia terserah akangnya atuh :p
ReplyDelete@ Awal Sholeh : pengangguran ko' kang... o iy, akangnya setelah lulus gmn?!?!? lhohh ko' malah nanya balik saiia nya ??!?!? xixixixiixixixxxx...
kalo kepalaku tak jedotin ke kepalanya si genial kira-kira bisa ketularan jago sotoshop juga gak yah huehehehe *dreaming sambil njengking*
ReplyDeletehuakakakakakkk.. bodol utek ku mbaaaaaaaaa... gmn klu di tukar segelas choccocino?!??! psti ketularan deee... heheheh... tp choccocino nya selama 3 dekade dimulai dari sekarang... gmn?!??!! hueheheheheheh.. matree amad gw iia?!??! hhmmm...
ReplyDeletekakakkkkkk... mau dunk dibuat logo abjad C pake Pink tapi sambelnya dipisah yah kak wkwkwkwwkw beneran nih kak Tia mau *serius mode ON* tapi gratis kah kah kah ???
ReplyDeletejangan sekarang2 iia... tp nti diusahain dee... :(
ReplyDeletelgsg praktek bro
ReplyDeletekeren juga nih operasi bedahnya
ntar aq coba juga donkkk
Langsung cobah dah, mantap fren...
ReplyDelete@ Miawruu : monggo kang... ditunggu laporannya :)
ReplyDelete@ yanuar catur rastafara : massa sii kang?!!? heheheh.. makasii iia.. :)
@ Khery Sudeska : dimonggo kang... tak intip aahh :p
bang saya melihat artikel ini dengan mata ngantuk.... tapi keliatan logo sonynya emang keren, tpi cara bikinnya sama sekali ga keren. syusehhhh
ReplyDeletewkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkkk... ada ada ajja sii :))
ReplyDeletelogo SEnya keren banget. Tutorialnya juga step by step. Tapi saya bisa ngga ya ngikutinnya?
ReplyDeleteasal dengan kesabaran penuh, pasti bisa ko' mba... tut di atas itu udah saiia sederhanain sebisa mungkin agar gag terlalu ngJlimet... si nchi ajja tuu mengada-ada :p bilang syusahhh :p
ReplyDeletemakasii iia uda mau mampir :)
wedew seyem tekhniknya sob, atut eh saluttt
ReplyDeletemakasii bangeddd bangedd kang udah mau mampir lagi :) really appreciate it :)
ReplyDeletemantabb sobat, perlu dicoba nih, dari dulu suka bnget sama sotoshop tpi iah gitu lah, cuma dasar2 doang, mampir lagi iah ada Koleksi Photo Klasik Soekarno
ReplyDeleteterimakasih kedatangannya kang... iia saiia uda jenguk tuu bung karno nya :thumbsup: mangstabs kang!
ReplyDeleteWeeeh...bagus tuh....
ReplyDeletePesan logo aja deh...berapa...??? he...he...he...