Friday, January 21, 2011

James Pond's

Creating a Customized ProductThere you go again?! Howdy... I promise you this is the last part of our late advertisement tutorial. May I present to you all our new local HERO.. The one and only, The handsome full of critical damages... James Pond's 007, lmao. Subhaaanalloooh..!!!

Before you go check this one.. you should read first our previous lessons with the tittle Creating a Customized Product followed by Still on Creating a Customized Product and Long road to Pond's 007 to get all view complete on how I created this kinda facial Super Hero.. lmao.

Step 7 - Additional Details (Final Walk)

Add your own additional details for your bottle. To start, add the shiny and reflective kinda effect for the Main layer. To do this, using the Pen tool (P), make a line just like as shown in Fig.

Creating a Customized Product

Preparation :

First, set your Brush Tool (B) with this.. Master Diameter to about 13px Soft Round.

Second, make your Foreground color filled with White.

Hire Me?!

Back to your workspace. Is your Peen Tool still active? If so, you should see a line above the Main (bottle) layer. Right-Click while the line of the Pen Tool (P) still there, then select Stroke Path from the drop down menu. Replace the line (Stroke Path) with Brush. Leave the Simulate Pressure blank.

Press Ctrl + H to view your new line, this act will automatically hide the Path. Finally.. Decrease the layer's Opacity level to 67%.

Creating a Customized Product

Create a New Layer, name it Sealed. We're gonna add the magic tiny ridges for the sealed area we did earlier.

Brush preparation :

Choose Hard Round 1px from the Brush preset picker (a pixel of that, would be enuf). Draw a single line on your new layer. Ctrl + Click on your Sealer thumbnail on the palette layer to invoke the selection. Go to menu Edit > Define Brush Preset. A Brush Name box appear. Name it genial (just because I'm that kinda guy.. lol.. or whatever you like)!

Press Ctrl + D to Deselect. Remove your single line (not the Layer, just the image you created earlier) from the Sealed layer. We're not gonna need that anymore.

Now you're being totally armed, right!!! Back again to Sealed Layer. Press P key on your keyboard to activate the Pen tool. Draw a line (just like when you created a Reflection).

Creating a Customized Product

Press B to activate the Brush tool. Choose your genialBrush you created earlier. Press F5 to call the Brush Preset. And follow the direction from the image below.

James Pond's

Your Pen still active, Right-Click and choose Stroke Path, choose Brush to replace the Path (this is Brush you set up - genialBrush). Uncheck or leave the Simulate Pressure Blank.

James Pond's

Your image should be like this...

Creating a Customized Product

Add another Reflection to give more realistic to our product. Create a New Layer. Name it Reflection2 (or something like that*). On this layer, with the help of the Pen tool (P) (again.. lol) a shape like this..

James Pond's

Right-Click and choose Fill Path.. and pick Foreground color (#6188b9) to fill it... Add a Layer Mask on this shape.. make some blur dynamic reflection like this... don't forget to decrease the Fill Opacity to about 9%.

Creating a Customized Product

DONE!!! Your job is done! That's all for the main bottle.. How about the rests?!?! You guys should use your own crazy wild untamed imagination..

Fonts needed:

Century Gothic, Regular, 18pt = Committed Suicide?
Trebuchet MS, Regular, 10pt = Deep cleanses..
Trebuchet MS, Regular, 11pt = Call her NOW!

It's a wraaappp!!! The final James Pond's product is shown below. Thanks for reading!

Creating a Customized Product

Other sample...

James Pond's

Complete tutorial : James Pond's 1, James Pond's 2, James Pond's 3, James Pond's 4.


  1. really good tutorial,
    i will try it..

  2. salam friend
    nice tutorial.
    thank for sharing,I know James pond's, coz read your post.

  3. wach,keren nich ka tuto nya..
    james pond...
    ijin save ya buat belajar.

  4. mas, kok blognya sepertinya artikelnya "terlalu sempit" gambarnya terlihat terpotong

    *sepertinya ada yg salah gitu... mungkin browser aku, atau hal lain

  5. r u working at Ponds institute bro? hehehe, btw nice info tq 4 share :)

  6. ya ampun, kepikiran amat bikin James Pond. Artinya James Kolam ya... atau Janes Balong (bahasa Sundanya)

    hebat euy... baru kali ini saya nemu blog tutorial sotosop yang dibikin sama orang Pribumi :D

  7. walah..ini toh maksudnya
    saya terkagum-kagum sendiri nih hihi
    pokoke..mantap suratp Mas Gen

  8. @ seratusdua : ok.. i'll be waiting :)
    @ NURA : terimakasii mbak :)
    @ sibutiz : monggo kang :)
    @ r10 : probs fixed!!! makasii perhatiannya kang :)
    @ waroeng coffee : mope I'm, not.. :p just like the idea on making this such creepy adv :p
    @ rime : sebenernya banyak mbak pribumi yang punya blog berisikan tutorial seperti ini, banyak sekali bahkan, mamprah.. cuma mungkin karena mereka gag bewe atau apalah alasannya :) orang sunda mbak?!?!? :P

  9. @ lyna riyanto : iia bun.. mayan cape juga 4 hari ngerjain ini :(
    @ ZuXuZ : makasii kang :)

  10. sama-sama kang.. hope you like it :)

  11. kreatif sekali .. saya kira jame boon ... heee.

  12. mau tanya pak .. mengeditnya menggunakan aplikasi apa pak ? photoshoop yyah ?

  13. wuih selalu keren neh Mas gen....
    Duh mav ya Mas, ge jarang OL, paling juga post2 terjadwal di achen, yang buwel nya ge males apdet.... heheheh

  14. Hello my friend Genial, São Paulo is a big city with 15 million in habitants, it is a very agitated life for the it elaborates and trades, to live in São Paulo is a madness.
    My flight is from Mato Grosso of the south for São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro every night.
    São Paulo today him of vehicles became unviable for the traffic jam of vehicles to rotate 15 kilometers group 3 hours or more when it doesn't rain. Good weekend with peace and happiness. Hugs Valter.

  15. hasil jadinya keren ^^

    ini pake photoshop?

  16. hasil jadinya kerreen ^^

    itu pake photoshop?

  17. Bookmark dulu, kebetulan kantor beli Adobe photoshop, untuk belajar kang. Yang ginian nggak mudheng tenan.

  18. kreatif banget
    salam sukses


  19. I am beginner in design and picture so I want to ask you this is Photoshop or Corel draw

  20. dibayar berapa sih ama pond's..? kwkwkwkw

  21. kerennn...kerennnn....

  22. Wah, mantep tutorialnya nih...

  23. jiahahahahaaaa....
    bagus neh untuk dipake kang james sebelum shooting

  24. mantapp langsung praktek...trims...

    Oya sobat blogger hebat, mari ikut berpartisipasi dalam Gerakan SEO Positif Season 2...
    " Judul postingan yang negatif tapi isi postingan mengandung hal positif"....
    mari kita musnahkan hal-hal negatif di dunia maya mulai hari ini..
    sebarkan kebaikan maka kebaikan pula yang akan kita terima...di tunggu partisipasinya...

  25. wkwkw mantaap gan tutornya :D bisa tuh buat desain produk ^^

  26. tutorialnya mantabs banget bro..
    kapan2 ta coba ah..

    oya, komen sampeyan di blog saya kok masuk spam ya..?
    hati hati :lol:

  27. Mantap tutorialnya

    Lengkap banget

  28. ini gabungan nama orang sama sabun kecantikan ya? hihi

  29. wah terima ksih tutorial mantap ni...

  30. mantep, ternyata bisa bikin design produk via photoshop

  31. permisi kepada juragan yang punya ni blog, gw mampir di mari ni gan, dari tadi muter-muter dari mbah google, mbah google kasih wangsit buat mampir di blog agan, di postingan agan ini. nais postingan gan, minta ijin dulu nech buat bacanya..

    komen :
    wih, tak kirain james bon

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  32. Thank you very much my friend Genial for your visit, happy new day with peace and happiness. Hugs Valter.

  33. dah lama juga nih aq g main2 denga sotosop, langsung deh tak coba

  34. yang oncom matic itu keren banget gambarnya jernih
    pengen bisa secanggih itu bikin design :((

  35. Wow sotosopnya mantap, saya ijin daftar jadi murid.

  36. ahhh kerenyyaaa,
    harus banyak belajar dari sini eke boo,,,
    ikut subscribee yaaaa

  37. wow, i like the process, thx for the tips..

  38. @ chikal : ini orang sepertinya ada dimana-mana?!?!?

  39. @ Merliza : punya bisnis baru tu orang >> @ chikal

  40. oke terima kasih sangat sudah berbagi. ;)


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