Thursday, November 12, 2009

Far Beyond Driven

Far Beyond DrivenCan there truly be anyone who is not absofuckin'lutely fascinated in the very least by magic - the breathtaking illusions, the amazing sleight of warm and tender hand, the almost miraculous unbelievable feats that make our eyes stare in awe? STUNNING!!!

Photoshop can extremely make it into reality bite! It's thee answer!!!

Only The Unbeatable Survives

Far Beyond Driven

Fire in the house

Far Beyond Driven

Far Beyond Driven

Cheryl in Bubbles

Far Beyond Driven

Far Beyond Driven

Find your perfect Partner

Far Beyond Driven

Lost in the Jungle

Far Beyond Driven

Far Beyond Driven

Far Beyond Driven

Click each thumbnail to get the original size of image!


  1. Nice content ...maaf saya telat

    salam persahabatan ya...

  2. Hello my friend Genial, thank you very much for the visit, new day of happiness and successes. Valter.

  3. This is a very cool blog that I admire as always.

  4. Wuih keren nih penerapan ilmu photoshop nya, nanti deh saya akan mengejar ketertinggalan saya dengan belajar sama mas genial, boleh kan?

  5. Hmm...mmm...

    Update-an'e Muantap..!!! MAkin pengenku belajar photoshop...

  6. bener2 pakarnya. Saya terbata-bata berlatih ini. Harus dengan kesabaran kali ya biar bisa mendekati hasil kayak Mas Genial ini. Trims. :)

  7. sotoshop! hehehe..
    bikinin gue editan yang oke banget dong :D

  8. editannya keren banget oom ^^ mampir lagi nih aku ksinih

  9. kayknya makin ajip aj nih contentnya :0

  10. terkagum-kagum
    saya yg gaptek ini

    saya bayangin sesuatu untuk header blog saya

  11. bayangannya seperti apa bun?!?!?!


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