Friday, July 31, 2009

Heavy Metal Warm-Up

Hollaaa... mungkin banyak yang aneh dan kaget apa sebenernya yang berusaha saiia sampaikan kali ini, dikesempatan siang, tengah hari bolong panas terik matahari, walaupun telah melewati tengah hari bentet nan rupawan.

Wekksss... tabulature... apaan tuh?!?!? Lagi pula, ngapain juga FCDB, PSD Holic tiba2 ngenye' mencoba menyebrang dari ranah yang seharusnya dia titi sejak awal...?!?!? Lhohhh.. lhohh.. lhooohhh... tenang, take it easy... calm down, beib... jiakakakakakakakkk...

Pernah saiia menuliskan sekelumit tentang ini, tabulature maksudnya kawand... buktinya bisa brur en ses liaddd di sini... NNaahhHHh.. percaya kan?!?! Jadi postingan kali ini bukannya postingan tanpa rencana, apalagi hanya karena kebingungan gag ada materi lg tentang sotosop... heheheheh.. mau break ajja dulu sebentar dari masalah grafis satu itu, (percobaan ngeles dari tanggung jawab karena terlanjur mengusung materi seperti menu navigasi di atas yang bisa panjenengan lirik) mencoba beralih ke materi grafis lainnya (karena ini memang sama-sama grafis, liad ajja nantinya).

OK... prologue nya sampe sini ajja... :) Mari kita sama-sama renungi... lhohh??!?! HHhhmmMmm.... Semua orang berpembawaan musik en pasti pernah ingin memainkan sendiri alat musik tertentu. Tapi gag semua orang dapat memainkan alat musik yang diinginkannya. Untuk itu dibutuhkan kemauan yang ulet. Kemauan yang serba tanggung (iia kek saiia inilah contohnya) hanya akan menciptakan hasil yang juga setengah-setengah. Sayangnya kemauan ulet ini saja-pun gag lah cukup, sarana ternyata ikut menentukan, sehat sudah pasti harus dimiliki sebagai kondisi yang memungkinkan seseorang bisa terus berkarya, perlu ada alat musik, waktu, tempat yang cocok, pelajaran yang sesuai, dan barangkali ini yang juga merupakan faktor yang hampir dilupakan, uang.

Disiplin Latihan

Tanpa usaha, seseorang mungkin mendapat 'rejeki nomplok'. Tapi untuk menjadi gitaris yang baik, bahkan untuk menjadi gitaris handal, tidak mungkin tanpa usaha yang tekun. Disiplin belajar bisa diatur antara lain dengan mengikuti saran ini :

1. Siapkanlah waktu sekurang-kurangnya 30 menit setiap hari secara tetap. Lebih baik demikian dari pada harus diselang dua tiga hari lalu berlatih satu dua jam penuh.

2. Seorang pemula sering cepat lelah, untuk menghindari atau menghadapi kendala seperti ini, baiknya waktu 30 menit tersebut kita bagi menjadi
2x15 menit diselingi istirahat dua tiga menit.

3. Usahakan belajar di tempat yang sepi jauh dari radio, televisi, komputer, hape atau apapun yang sekiranya mengeluarkan suara hingga membuat fokus kita teralihkan pada alat-alat tadi.

4. Jaga dan rawatlah gitar sebaik mungkin. Jangan dipinjamkan... (kecuali menghasilkan... wkwkwkwkwk). Gitar jangan sampai terkena basah atau terjemur di bawah matahari.

5. Bersihkan sesekali bagian gitar yang kotor terkena debu atau keringat dengan kapas dan susu pembersih kulit muka dan laplah hingga kering.

Kira-kira segitu cukup gag tuk sekedar menyambung tulisan-tulisan saiia terdahulu tentang ini dengan yang nantinya akan terbit sesuai dengan mood saiia tentunya... heheheheh... O iy.. namanya juga warm-up, pemanasan, lekuk-lekukin tubuh dulu... iia gag brur en ses.. (gmn sii cara nulis 'ses' itu?!?!?)

Sekali-sekali sebelum bertanya (mengenai postingan terkait lainnya), ada baiknya dicek terlebih dulu menu nav di atas, OK kawand?!?!?

HH...mmm... ada satu lagi nii brur.. sesss...
ada satu lagi nii... moga gag terlambat,
makanya sekalian ajja dirappelle...

still got more...

Suatu kebanggaan tiada tara bagi dirikuh yang papa inihhh... mendapat anugerah award kembali dari mereka berdua (setelah parade tempo hari). Sungguh tak dapat berkata-berkata mengenai sesuatu yang lebay... oooughhh... hanya untaian kata 'hatur tengkyuhhh' yang sebesar-besarnya.
Semoga persahabatan ini tak usang dimakan waktu. Ta'elaahh makin lebay gag sii dirikyuhh?!?!? Wkwkwkwkwk...

Award indah dan cantik ini dakuhhh persembahkan kembali kepada sahabatku yang lainnya yaitu (ini dia waktunya... pastinya ada yang buru-buru nutup postingan ini supaya gag ngerasa 'pernah ngeliad' postingan ini tuk menghindari pelimpahan sejuta makna akan ewot2 ini... bujuuuggg mingkinan lebay nii.. :p) kepada : Linda Flo, Chikal, Rosmana Appollo Putera, Melati Pratiwi, Zippy, Putri.

Terimakasih dan semoga bagi yang mendapatkannya berkenan tuk segera membawa kabur semua award-award ini... :p

image taken from Steve Vai

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How to Install and Manage Brushes and Other Presets

How to Install and Manage Brushes and other presetsTalking about installing Brushes, Shapes or even Patterns just like we did in Carbon Fiber in Sotoshop, in this tutorial I'll show you guys how to install new Sotoshop Brushes and a few techniques that obviousely will help you keep your additions organized and safe.

The process is exactly the same for adding and managing Swatches, Gradients, Styles, Patterns, Contours and Custom Shapes as well, so just know that even though I’m talking about brushes here, the information shared -right about here- applies the all these.

Sotoshop allows us to keep as many brushes in the Brush palette as we’d like, but remember one thing... the more stuff you pack into the palettes ofcourse the slower those palettes will load (because every brush takes a little memory) and the harder it’ll be to find the brush you’re looking for.

How to Install and Manage Brushes and other presets

I keep a folder called Favorite in the Documents folder of my computer, it's a USB drive actually, lol -nevermind, do not follow that bad habbit instead- and in that folder I have sub-folders for all the different kinda add-ons that Sotoshop can use. I keep all my
downloaded brush sets there. To make Sotoshop see the contents of this extra folder, all you have to do is create a shortcut to this additional folder in Sotoshop’s default brushes folder and
ABRAAAAAAAKADABBBRAAAAAKKK!!! the brushes from both folders will appear in the Preset Manager.

Ps: This step isn’t really necessary, and it’s just fine if you want to put your new brushes in Sotoshop’s default Brushes folder, but this what I do because it makes it easy to backup, restore and even share all my 3rd party stuff.

Ofcourse you'll remember about how we've managed Pattern yesterday to get the Carbon Fiber looks...?!?!? Have a look at it just a moment to refresh your memory about that.

How to Install and Manage Brushes and other presets

The image above told us about restoring our 4x4px pattern we 've created earlier.

How to Install and Manage Brushes and other presets

Ok, with my compulsive organizational speech out of the way, lets go ahead and find a set of brushes to install. There are a ton of great places to find free Photoshop Brushes on the internet, but probably the most comprehensive and FREE brush site I’ve found is BrushKing (at this moment the site has more than 239 Brush sets containing an astounding 4285 Brushes).
Did I mention they’re free?

You’ll notice that sometimes these brush sets download with funky names, so I always rename
them with a description that I’ll recognize, in this case I’ll call them genial - Abstract Lights.
Only GOD knows why I renamed it like that... lmao!

Watch the cigarettes screenshot below...

How to Install and Manage Brushes and other presets

See that damn little circle with an arrow inside it at the top right side of the display area, and if you click it with your mouse it will open up a menu that has been populated with all the available brushes from Sotoshop’s Brushes folder. You can see in the example below that my genial - Abstract Lights brush set is listed.

How to Install and Manage Brushes and other presets

When you click on one of the brush sets, Sotoshop will give you two options, to either add this new brush set to your existing brushes or to replace the existing brushes, click Append to add them, or OK to replace them. For my example I just clicked Append to add the existing
brushes with the new set.

Ps: You may need to restart the program to get it to appear in the list.

How to Install and Manage Brushes and other presets

You can now see that the stock brushes in my Preset Manager have been replaced with the new genial - Abstract Lights set I chose (Just a sample).

The brushes are loaded and available to use and now you know how to add Brushes (as well as Shapes, Gradients etc) to the Sotoshop Preset Manager and hopefully you’ve picked up a trick or two about file handling and organization along the way.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Carbon Fiber Look

genial Carbon Fiber LookToday we're gonna make a Carbon Fiber pattern in easiest way to find.
That's only need three basic steps to do.

First. Open your workflow in about 4x4px in width and height.
That's small file, I know. Just shut up and see...

Here's the preview;

genial on Carbon Fiber Look

OK... First thing we'll gonna do is...
Select the colors and fill as shown below.

genial on Carbon Fiber Look

Second. Now that is done. We can easily define the pattern.
Go to menu Edit > Define Pattern.
Name it as shown below... GENIAL hahahhaha...
name it as you wish..

then hit OK.

genial on Carbon Fiber Look

Third, The Final Step. Now you have made thee pattern.
You can now select the area you wish to make carbon fiber and then go
menu Edit > Fill > Pattern and
select GENIAL PATTERN :p or even yours,
hit OK again

and VIOLA! You have carbon fiber.

Here is a basic example of the pattern in effect.

genial on Carbon Fiber Look

Its quick, simple and easy to use !!!

It can be use for any other circumstances,
Diplacement Map for example... look the image below...

genial on Carbon Fiber Look

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Welcome to

World`s Largest Freshwater Pearls FarmsWhy pay Retail when you can get Discount?

Competitive price, tends to low cost even when you compared with other similar online jewelry stores. They have the largest selection on the web for freshwater pearls and pearl jewelry. The price they offer is very low, and one more thing that is not less important, their staff services is more rewarding.

I honestly do not understand much about diamonds, pearls or even jewelry and other women things, but I'm very happy to find this site, because.. their presence certainly very helpful straight to the point, as their online stores are vital for us to continue improving our taste for fashion. Especially women, as I mentioned earlier.

The only problem I found for this such site is hard to find them when using search engines. If you just type in pearls, you will not find it. As in my case, it was recommended by my colleagues. I think you have to type freshwater pearls or jewelry making pearls to find it, but it was worth all the trouble. That was very exciting using this site is that I only came out a little for all my girl's jewelry needs now.

Overall... There is no doubt that their World`s Largest Freshwater Pearls Farms is so breath-taking. If you have a little chance, why do not you stop in to see them for a while? I think you will be pleasantly surprised doods by some of the new merchandise they now have available.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Glass Text Effect

Hello there again... After long hiatus, lol... welcome again to my another free Photshop, today we're gonna create a Photoshop Glass Text Effect. We're gonna demonstrate how you guys can achieve that style in just a couple of steps a Photoshop Glass Text Effect only using layer styles.. Yupp... with only using it.

First you have to create a new blank doc, 630 x 250 px is enuf. Type the text that you're going to apply the layer style and apply a gradient to the background layer. It's all up to you to create your own BG style of it.

See first the image below... Hell yeah.. you guys just need in about 2 Layers on your workflow... Background Layer combined with Text Layer... there's no need others.. Go Go Go!!!

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Right click on text layer and choose Blending Options, The Blending Options Panel appears, Now you need to enter the exact setting that you seen in the screenshots for each of the effects.

Select the Drop Shadow and enter the exact setting from the screenshot.

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And the mission is now accomplished.

The beauty of this style is that you can insert any background and you will be able to see through the text.

I hope you learned new skills and techniques from this tut I also hope they will help you on your future projects. Like usual... try to experiment all the time when practicing. Staying well organized will help you to stay focus more on the design.

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After 2 days and 1 night get hiatus, I can still see the differences in this layout... feels different, a bit less comfortable, very sensitive kinda part of the keypad buttons of this damn layout.

Friday, July 03, 2009

Friendly Award Awal Sholeh To Sahabat

Good to see. Good words. Important to hear of Michael Jackson’s sense of humor. Interesting that MTV has been very quiet about the fact that no Black artists got airplay before Michael. What am I talking about?!?!?

“Friendly” award is an award given by Awal Sholeh to all of his friends for the increasing of his rank to 2nd level or something, I don't even know about page rank anyway... well designed blogs, blogs that inspire you, blogs that you wish were yours ;)

Stairs Award Friendly

First award described the meaning of his journey. Each stair is like a friend in blogging... help gradually to achieve a dream that belongs to each blogger. So without the help of them, certainly, there's no sense of a struggle and the progress of his blog.

Gears Award Friendly

It was quite bizarre. If we find a part of a broken or damaged gears then the lap is not running well and in the future, it will be damaged and destroyed. Each part of this kinda gear have to fill one part of chain or something to become a perfect part.

Leafs Award Friendly

The leaves could be found everywhere.. Leaves can store food and water, and are modified in some plants for other purposes. The comparable structures of ferns are correctly referred to as fronds. Furthermore, leaves are prominent in the human diet as leaf vegetables. OooOOppPss... what should I say?!?!?! Lmao!

Even if you did not receive this award yet, feel free to give it away to blogs that in your opinion deserve it. I think he would understand it. Thnx for these beautiful awards bang...