Friday, December 11, 2009

Creating Bubbles

Creating Bubbles
Creating bubbles using Photoshop is not so difficult as you can imagine. It is a quick and easy damn way to create many kinds of shapes and textures, just like
How to use Brushes in Photoshop, and How to Install and Manage... especially if they are small and you need them in large quantities.

You could absolutely draw your own bubbles!

Create a new document and filling the canvas using the Paint Bucket (G) tool with the color you want. Aqua Blue for example.

Press your M Key to call the Elliptical Marquee tool up to your blank document.

Creating Bubbles

Use the Dodge tool or by clicking O Key. Select Brush as 125 or more depending on your bubbles and Range as Highlights and Exposure as 50%.

Creating Bubbles

Make gentle strokes around the bubble with the dodge tool to get the following effect. And.. Voila.. Your Bubble is ready, just press ctrl + D to deselect the outline of the circle.

Obviously you could make as many bubbles as you want like that, even small and big, just repeat the process. Works well? Let's save it for future use! Nothing worse than making the perfect brush preset but forgetting to save it, lol.

Creating Bubbles

See this tutorial in Bahasa


  1. banyak berkreasi setelah belajar dari tutornya kang genial...oh ya kang....kenapa gambarnya ga di hide/show pake spoiler?kan bisa mempermudah tetep gookil kok kang...ajib....

  2. dah tembus google adsense ya?gile bener....

  3. tambah ilmu potoshop neh... tenks ilmunya bro...

  4. Wah tutorialnya makin mantap bro. Tengkyu berat..

  5. @ aditya : temen nebeng kang di tempat saiia... saiia sii gag punya akunnya :(

  6. wow...fantastic...
    nice article aja ya komentarnya...beneran gak ngerti yang seperti ini...

  7. keren keren...sip deh...

    seandainya aku bisa....senengnya...
    jangan gitu dong, aku juga lama tak kesini...hihi jadi malu...

  8. hmmmm....... emank gudang ilmu neh............
    jadi mulai explor photoshop lagi deh neh.............

  9. awalnya buta nih ama sotoshop
    tapi perlahan tapi pasti udah mulai ngerti caranya

  10. tempat gudang ilmunya fotosop neehh... tengkyuuu yaahh...

  11. thnx for all great comments guys :)

  12. manteb manteb tak taruh di desktop..maknyuss

  13. selalu ada trik2 baru di sini yang bisa saya pelajari. Trims Mas Gen.
    Salam sukses selalu :)

  14. bro, google account punya brapa? bisa bikin lagi khan pake email laen. spt yahoo ato msn. (google account gak harus gmail loh) nah kalo bikin google account yang baru, tinggal masukin link aja.

    nih contohnya trus satu lagi account ku

  15. coba aja dulu, he eh :) ntar kabar2in heheh

  16. wah adek fitnah banget jodoh aj blm py gmn bs nkh jgn2 adek kali..hehe

  17. wow, thankyu suda sharing ilmuna...

    btw kenapa kok imegae nya nggak diapload di photobucket aja mas...
    inetku lemot, nggak kebuka imagenya...wkekekeke...

  18. @ ndop : maaf kang, saiia punya akun di photobucket, tp sayangnya, di sana kadang sering rusak klu quotenya berlebihan... dan saiia uda terlanjur jatuh cinta sama yg satu ini, karena saiia emang gag berniat utk merisize ukurannya kang... saiia emang sengaja pake ukuran besar, dan ini pun sebenernya blm ukuran originalnya :(

    sekali lagi saiia minta maaf karena loading process nya jd terhambat gara2 masalah satu itu... abis mo' gmn lgi?!?!?


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