Hi there again. How u doin'? Great... I like it! Always do! Percobaan...
How to create a comic strip
Being a comic artist and creator of the comic strip series many budding artists dream. They went to their comic book save each week to take the issues of the comic series of books and make their own at that time is not really difficult.
Ini hanyalah sekedar percobaan semata... berhasil tidaknya postingan ini sangatlah bergantung pada mood sang penulis itu sendiri nyatanya... dan setelah terbukti, ternyata situasi di sini tidaklah setenang yang sejak dulu diharapkan, yang dulu pernah menjadi sehangat kamar di rumah sendiri lengkap dengan guling dan selimut -walau tipis- tapi menjauhkan angin malam dari sekedar hilir-mudik di tengkuk tanpa wewangian ini. Enuf with that shyt!!!
The first thing you need to do is what you need to sit down and craft the world that this album and you have inches to explain some things, such as the establishment, time, sometimes in the galaxy or universe, but more specifically, characters that inhabit this world. And you will spend
a lot of time with the first design of this character using this experience to the creative muscle flexibility and not only find the idea or invention you have, but in the style of a different opinion.
Scanning Image
This style is very very important in the comic world. There are some people mad, if an
individual artist who illustrated the latest version of your, Or your favorite show, and
love especially if the artist draws characters. Thus, the number style and form of characters
on the one hand, and once you do. In my opinion, all the fruit tends to fall into place.
Creating Line Art
Turn your image into Line Art. You will have to check out Line Art and Illustrated Look
tutorial for that. Let's get started...
"guling dan selimut -walau tipis" dulu dibandung enak tuh selimutan pakai itu, tapi sekarang gerahh boooookkkk.. hehehe, wah ngelantur neh... hihii... keep share yow..
ReplyDeleteLha emang sekarang nyambi jadi tukang bikin komik ya?
ReplyDeletewahh keren bgt sob...hobi bikin komik ya?
ReplyDelete@ Belajar SEO : digigit serangga gag om??? ta'elaaahh so imud bener gw iia?!?!?
ReplyDelete@ Vicky : mo' nyambi ajj susahnya minta ampun iia mba'.. duhh mestinya gmn sii?!?!?
@ RiP666 : iia kang... dari pada kebuang terus lupa, mending kek gni sambil inget2 en terus di apgred otaknya :)
makasii iia uda pada dateng :)
Wah.. Keren nih.. Kira-kira kalo minta dibikinkan desain model komik gitu berapaan ya?
ReplyDeleteOya, untuk art yang dirimu tanyain, langsung aja sama yang punya gawe.. Soalnya aku gak terlibat di produksinya. Hehe
gimana kalo dibikin komik khas Indonesia ya
ReplyDelete@ bang FIKO : wah saiia malah gag ngerti kang... lah wong ini ajja baru coba2...
@ attayaya : maunya dari dulu gtu kang atta... asli pingin banget punya karakter sendiri, ternyata sussah juga realisasiinnya :(
love that but erase the last part, its porn not appropriate with talent okey
ReplyDeleteconsidering that it's not an xxx site... I defenetely will do erase that one... thnx, really appreciate...
ReplyDeleteit's done!
terimakasih peringatannya...
mohon maaf saya tiada bermaksud untuk menyinggung siapapun juga...
amen... terimakasih doanya kang :)
ReplyDelete..bener2 keren .. perlu seni dan kreatifitas tinggi untuk bisa mendapatkan hasil seperti itu..
ReplyDeleteSukses terus frenz..TFS :)
hebat banget..salut nih.
ReplyDeletesalut cara postingannya cemana tuh caranya wakakaka maklum masih bayi neh
ReplyDeletebgini baru keren :)
ReplyDeleteHello my friend Genial, thank you for the visit, new day of happiness and peace. Hugs Valter.
hehe bandwidth killer sob
ReplyDeleteaku kok ga bs gambar ya??
ReplyDeletebukan gitu sob, maksudnya kalo yg inetnya lamban kaya saya jadinya kasihan nanti mbuka gambarnya lama :P
ReplyDeletewedew, susah dah klo make nyang ene, di sotosop aja mata udeh micir2 liat garis...hahahah
ReplyDeleteHi thank you for the visit to our site.. Have a wonderful day...
ReplyDeleteline art digabung KONTES SEO BERTUAH bagus tuh
ReplyDeletehadiahnya 6 juta lho
pagi bro
ReplyDeleteaman2 saja semuanya khan
nice comic drawing.
ReplyDeletehehe andai saja kuberbakat seperti dirimu
lam kenal bro
siang bro
ReplyDeletegambar2nya keren sob. apa kabar nih?
ReplyDeleteapa kabar kawan....berkunjung di malam hari neh salam hangat aja
ReplyDeletesaluuuttttt cokluuuuttttt nih ma om gondlong.... twew
ReplyDeletethe picture does not appear bro i've no comment.
ReplyDeletei used to read comics before when i was a kid...
ReplyDeletethank you for sharing genial
Cool comic tips :)
ReplyDeleteGambar yang ada di postingan anda bro.di saya nggak muncul heheh.Gambar apa kira-kira bro?heheh
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by my blog for Word Filled Wednesday!
ReplyDeleteYou're very talented! Love all the interesting art work and graphic ideas:-)
lha mana topeng sinchannya?
ReplyDeleteabis muter2 ma sinchan tadi
ReplyDeletebalik kesini lagi
@ atta : ketinggalan di mesjid sebelah kali bang??? hahahhaha...
ReplyDelete@ Mary Moss : thnx for thee compliment ma'am... my pleasure serving you here...
@ Aisha : gag ada mslh ko' dari sini... sindiran iia mba'nya?!?!?!? karena loadingnya jd uabbhhootttt tenan... duuhhh gmn lg abis nya :( maaf deyh :(
wuih, hobi ngomik ya?
ReplyDeletebiasa baca bakuman, donk? itu lho komik ttg komikus SMP.
mestinya km bikin komik, gbrnya keren2...blm ada kan komik asli indonesia (eh, bener gak? soalnya jaman sy kecil dulu, cm ada komik kompeni)
ReplyDeletewah loadingnya lama bgt kang.......ow ternyata bnyk gmbrnya.....
ReplyDeleteGreat post kang
komik ya....
leh nebeng baca..?
Gambarnya kegedean :D
ReplyDeleteKalo aku sih ga pake pen tool. jadi line artnya aja yang rapih, warnainnya pake brush atau kadang2 paint bucket. untuk bekgron dan efek pake brush, stamp, sama filter :)
@ pipiet : ooo yg baru 11 episode itu iia?!??! manga tentang pembuat manga itu kan???!?! tau sii.. tp rada agak gag suka sama yg namnya manga gtu dee.. gpp kan?!?!?
ReplyDelete@ Karumbu : belom berani kang.. perhitungan waktunya blm tau
@ Wh : maap dehhh...
@ Kavke : blm ada kang.. baru tut nya ajja.. tu juga scra singkat
@ macan : komik2nya mantep nii si nana :thumbsup: abeess!!! image fixxxed!!!
Wah, gambar komik'x keren2 ya...
ReplyDeleteTapi emang sih bro, gambar'x kegedean ukurannya, kecilin dikit :D
Hello my friend Genial, thank you for the visit and for the comment, Thursday of happiness and peace. Hug Waléria
ReplyDelete@ Zippy : iia dehh nti saiia ciutin dikit.. :(
ReplyDelete@ wallper.lima : woww... long walk you've done ma'am.. thnx a lot for this visit :) have a great day to you too.. :)
waaw...bagus bagt gambarnya..q juga suka gambar, cuma ya enggak terlalu bagus kaya yg diatas..
ReplyDeletekapak kalo gitu bikin komiknya..?ditunngu low, ^_^
Mantab blog ente bro :) Maap.. emang komen tiada di blog ku :)
ReplyDeletemantap2 gambarnya
ReplyDelete@ nana^site : ada bayarannya?? huehehhe.. bcanda mba'..
ReplyDelete@ Bayi NgeBlog : enaknya sii kang di buka komenngnya kang :( biar kita sama-sama enak ajja :( gmn??!?!?!
@ irvan : mantap2 kang irvannya.. lhhoohh?!??!
Cuy.........kayaknya gw kenal deh cewe yang pake jilbab digambar komik loe pertama hehehe, bagus2...pertahankan prestasimu klo bisa tingkatkan lagi deh! ^_^
ReplyDeletecakep meeennn :)
makasii :)
ReplyDeletemampir nich dari jaksel..