Saturday, June 27, 2009

Tutorit Friendship Award - The Sixth

Tutorit Friendship Award is an award given for the blog/web that you consider the most inspiring and very friendly.

Indeed this blog has been created for Tutorial things and considering to the contents of this blog seems still far from feasible.. but apart from all of that.. I wanna thanks to akang Karumbu for such honor. We hope that all bloggers could be better maintain the relationship so that what we want could be achieved.

It is called '10 Blogs That Inspiring Me' and I am tagging the following bloggers for the list:

01. ♥ Neng Aia ♥
02. Uchin
03. Hasan
04. Chikal
05. MyOple
06. Romo
07. Oleh
08. Quinie
09. Muzda
10. Andrii

Future Creative Design Bureau

Like usual... Karumbu requires and gives us a 'lil job to do :

The participation rules are simple:

1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 10 the most inspiring and very friendly blogs,
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3. Not an optional: Proudly display 'the most inspiring and very friendly award' with a link to the post that you wrote.
4. Talk to each of 'em, let 'em know that you give something to them.
5. Do the same thing as the giver did to you :)

That was that! Please, remember to tag blogs with real merits, i.e. relative content, and above all - blogs that really inspiring you! It is not the first time I am starting something with my blog so I hope it doesn't come back to haunt me.

Happy link-love-sharing, whatever it is!


  1. im the first!

    kenapa gua ga yang nomor satuuu?!
    masih ajah protes.

    besok2 gua tag lu juga untuk PR yang amat panjang ahhhh

  2. Hello my friend Genial, thank you for the visit, good Sunday of happiness and peace. Hugs Valter.

  3. weh....
    sekarang sering bangget yah blogger yang dapet awards??? bulan-bulannya awards nih...hheheee

    smoga bisa menambah semangat blogging...

  4. wah,, tararengkyu yak awardnya, lucu..

    tapi entar tunggu for the net entry yah,, saat ini gi pengen ngadem dulu

    thx anyway :)

  5. eh ada yg salah,,

    for the next entry kamsudnya.. ehehe

  6. @ quinie : sumpa jgn kasih pe'er panjang non... tar malah gag kelar2 gmn??!?!?!
    @ Valter : hug kiss and cookies Sir :) nice fly :)
    @ Qumfullboy : semoga sajja kang... makasih udah mo mampir :) (begitu mulu iia gw ngemengnya klu sama tamu2 baru atawa yg jarang besuk di sini?!?!? biarlah gpp... moga gag dianggap merendahkan atawa apalah...)
    @ ♥ Neng Aia ♥ : silahkan ngadem dulu neng :) nyante ajja :)

  7. napa tuh quinie marah2 lg dateng bulan ya drong?

  8. Allooo..
    sudah kupasang link blogmu,pasang juga ya linkku... thx ya

  9. inna lillaahi... saiia gag notice sama sekali kang... maaf biar saiia cek dulu iia link akangnya uda kepasang ato belum, my mistake.. i'm so sorry :(

    janji ntar mlm saiia pasang kang :) pis!!!

  10. hoo...

    selamat... :D
    blognya emang keren sih... :D

  11. makasii atas penjelajahannya kang :)

  12. berkunjung lagi kawan. blog saya kug gak masuk list??? gmana caranya? gak mudeng arti postingan akang nih...


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