Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Get Connected with Line Art

Since first creating this blog, I obviousely want to create a single page that contains the paper's friends, fellow fans, and photo or image associated with this 8th wonders of the world...
drum roll please...


Mr. ShantanuDasThanks to Mr. Shantanu Das who have kindly allowed me to prove that and realize it into reality, and even more bravely, allowed his image to be displayed here. Gratitude on his patience in waiting for each answer that is not directly possible to give because of the limitations of space and timeReally appreciate it!

So... This is it...!!! This is the result of the extraordinary work of a Hindi photograper, best new friend that I know, very diligent and have a great self-confidence .. saludos Monsieur!!!

Click image to enlarge!

Just click directly here to visit Mr. ShantanuDas blog with his awesome works!


  1. Keren, Nel ..
    Photoshop n grafis itu bener2 passion kamu yaaa

  2. wew...

    itu buatan kamu?

    keren keren...

  3. emAn9 bidan9nya ya 9en..??
    manteb dachh ba9usss..sob!!

    **akumahduduLznda bisa..

  4. @ muzda : tuk saat ini... iia... photoshop en grafis adlh passion gw 'da... btw.. kmn ajj sii?!?!??! somse skali :(
    @ guskar : terimakasih semangatnya om :)
    @ yoan : iia keren kang.. tp sayangnya itu bukan buatan saiia.. itu buatan Mr. ShantanuDas, link nya ada kuk di atas, silahkan berkunjung :) en terimakasih kedatanggannya kang :)

  5. eeee... wi3nd... tabrakan kita :) hahahhahha... iia nii tp lg agag2 mumet.. :p

  6. Hello my friend Genial, visiting your Blog, Thursday of happiness and peace. Hugs Valter.

  7. woooowwww....

  8. hei..hei..karya jenis apakah ini? paduan grafis dan photoshop kah? sori, rada ga paham..:)

    suka ama designnya yang bergaya pop art..

  9. wah wah memeang mantab sekali, sorry kalau kemarin aku salah masuk blog mu yg lama, tetapi sejujurnya yang ini memang lebih mantabbbb

  10. wow keren keren.....

    sekecil itu udah mahir photoshop??? wow...

  11. udah lama nih ga ngoprek photoshop.....jadiiii pengen lagi.....ayo ella semangaat!!! hehehehh

  12. disini udah kayak nge-les photoshop,, but it's very nice.. aku nih ga pinter² belajarnya! ~_~

  13. @ all : sepertinya harus ada yg diklarifikasi di sini :( karya di atas adalah bukan karya saiia... melainkan karyanya Mr. ShantanuDas :( itu skrinsyot nya... yg anak kecil... hihihhihiih... gag tau juga dia itu berumuran segtu atawa bukan... tp klu emang umurnya sgtu... bener kata CasualCutie... sekecil itu uda mahir PS :thumbsup:

  14. Mr. Shantanu Das sapanya boz?

    tapi yg jelas Mr. Shantanu Das dan genial sama2 jago...

    two thumbs up bro..

    oya, numpang jadi followersnya yee :)

  15. Hey br sempet mampir nih :)
    Btw COOL !!
    Keren bgt !

  16. makasih mas linknya..., jadi makin semangad nih blajar sotosopinya

  17. uh oh! what are they all saying?? hehe.. have to learn the language I think :-))

    Btw I amnot a HINDI photographer but an Indian Photographer.. of course I am not an amateur one.. otherwise my profession is different...

    Hindi is a language of many north Indian States.. and also the national language (I guess the northerners had their way at Parliament.. haha!!]

    Mine is Bengali.. i am from Calcutta..

    Glad ot be a good student to a Fantastic Teacher!!

  18. Oops!! A correction!
    I am an amateur Photographer is the correct sentence!

  19. ouchhhh... my mistake... seems that i don't know the different between Hindi and India... I don't know nothin' about the parliament, the culture, etc etc but one thing i know for sure is.. I am in the learning process after all since it is our fifth language or somethin' lol. Blogging helps for sure.

    the excact is 'the professional and very talented Indian photographer' SIR :)

  20. kok bisa to mas, pinter tenan sampeyan... worship...

  21. mbok ya ngajarinnya agak detil... kekeke

  22. kan postingan ini postingan 'credit to Mr. Shantanu' om, bukan tutorial... gambar di atas karyanya Mr. Shantanu yang saiia pajang di sini karena ngikutin petunjuk saiia di postingan sebelumnya... hiks hiks hiks :(

  23. hohoho... hebad lu genial... 4 thumbs up :D

  24. ko' bisa2nya ratu nongol di sini? mksd na 'dipostingan' yg ini?

  25. 9en..
    aiiiiiihh..kok aku nda bisa buka neehhh???
    pa9i 9eenn..
    have nice daY yaa.. :)


  26. tau nii.. gag bersahabat templatenya.. apa gw nya yg oon suroon iia?!?!? bete gw!!!

  27. Mr Shantanu is a great photographer :) ofcourse he's great..

  28. hey! I think you people are all saying good things about me but alas i am not able to understand anything at all haha!!
    Sorry..!! There seems to be no translator for your language either!! Ohhh and sorry Genial.. I could not take the award so far.. I am trying to make my template lighter.. so am not adding anything other than necessary for now.. a million thanks for the Awards a million times!! Cheers!! :D

  29. hahahhah... that's quitely OK Sir.. it's fine!!! in fact... they're all amazed by your picture :)
    hope if you had any image you created... it's an honor to me if i could publish it here :)


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