Thursday, April 02, 2009

Electrifying Energy Beams

Here's a great effect that will bring some energy to your image, photo, pic whatever! We'll be wrapping this guitarist's body (that you guys could find it H E R E ! , pink) with a glowing beam of light, adding sparkles, and adjusting the colors to make it all seem magical. Hell yeah we're absolutely learn magic stuffs around here...! Hhmmm.. smells good isn't it?!?!?

OK... as usual, remember this first, you could use your own damn imagination to apply whatever I told you here... you're free for it! Don't get stuck with what i say, if you guys found another better way to create something... so go for it... this is just a buch of shit right here, you can use your own style!

Figure out what i'm gonna say to you through this awesome trick, let's get it on!

First Step

Open your image

Electrifying Energy Beams

Change your image Level by pressing Ctrl + L to get the image more darker, coz believe me, this effect is more dramatic with the dark image or something

Electrifying Energy Beams

Second Step

Create a new layer,grab away your Pen Tool (P)

Electrifying Energy Beams

see the set right about here...

Electrifying Energy Beams

Draw out a spiraling path or something like that or even something like in my image below (what should i say?!??!?), as if you have a snake wrapped around the leg and body.

Electrifying Energy Beams

Third Step

Select the Brush Tool (B) and set your diameter to 7px, with the Opacity and Flow at 100%

Electrifying Energy Beams

and your foreground color set to #FFFFFF. With your path still on the artwork, go back to the Pen Tool, right click on the canvas, and choose Stroke Path

Electrifying Energy Beams

A menu will appear with the Brush set as the Tool. Check Simulate Pressure and press OK. This will make the beginning and end of your stroke thinner.

Electrifying Energy Beams

Now you'll gonna need to delete the parts you want to hidden behind the leg, body, etc... With your stroke layer selected, choose Add layer mask at the bottom of the Layers Palette.

Electrifying Energy Beams

Electrifying Energy Beams

Use the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L) to select areas of the arm you want in front of the stroke -- use your eye and imagine how this path will wrap around the arm. Make sure your mask is active by clicking on it, and fill these selected areas with black. They should now be cut out, appearing as if they're behind the arm.

Electrifying Energy Beams

Right click on your stroke layer and choose Blending Options. A Layer Style menu will appear, where you'll be adding an Inner and Outer Glow to the stroke, making the edges of it glow with a blue hue. Use the settings below... or not..!!! Lmao!

Electrifying Energy Beams

Electrifying Energy Beams

Fourth Step

With your Brush Tool, add some quick spots around your glowing path with varying small brush sizes (3 - 5px). Make as many as you want here, as you're always free Erase undesired sparkles.

Electrifying Energy Beams

Make a copy of your stroke layer and right click on the Layer Effects icon. Choose Clear Layer Style. we simply wanno blur this layer (about 6 pixels) to add another layer of glow. Everything's looking nice and illuminated here, so let's add some sparkles.

Fourth Step

With your Brush Tool, add some quick spots around your glowing path with varying small brush sizes (3 - 5px). Make as many as you want here, as you're always free Erase undesired sparkles.

Fifth Step

We're now going to make a secondary stroke to create another level of motion. Again use your Pen Tool (P) to go over your original path, but make it a bit different and overlap parts. Select a smaller diameter brush this time with a 50% opacity, and stroke the path as before.

Electrifying Energy Beams

You could obviousely delete this step

Our energy beam is nearly there. To make the effect more dramatic, you can adjust the overall hue of your photo. Create a new Curves adjustment layer, and tweak the colors to get a vibrant blue atmosphere. After your colors are locked in, use the Dodge Tool (O) (with a diameter of 35 pixels and the exposure set to 25%) to brush in some highlights underneath your beam, directly on the background photo. This makes it appear as if your beam is casting light on to the arm.

It's that good enuf for you?!?!?! OK then, For the last part of this whole trick, we'll add one more layer of shimmer. What the hell shimmer is anyway?!?!?! Hold down Ctrl and click on your main stroked path in the layers palette -- your path should now be selected. Go to Select › Modify › and Expand the selection by 7px, then feather it by 10px.

Electrifying Energy Beams

Now select your background photo layer and apply a Plastic Wrap filter, found in your Artistic filters. This will add some wispy lines around your path. Set the Highlight Strength to... the Detail to... and the Smoothness to... Finally, lightly Gaussian Blur your background layer with the feathered selection still active.

Voila.. you're done!

and here's my final result :

Electrifying Energy Beams

Do not forget to click each thumbnail to enlarge!

other samples :

Electrifying Energy Beams

Electrifying Energy Beams

Electrifying Energy Beams


  1. wah mantab, baru paham feather saya...

  2. suka merendah ni si om nya :p
    mksh om udah mo dateng lg singgah di sini...

  3. ih gile, keren bgt yak! belajar aahhh

  4. nice..nice...
    and thanks 4 visit my blog...have a nice day

  5. wuihh gtu yahh,,
    coba ah.. nice2,, heheheheh.. :)
    sabar napa pakk??

  6. ooo..gitu toh......
    jangan merendahkan dirinya dong ommmm

  7. good luck yah om......

  8. semuanya semuanya... terimakasih sebanyak-banyaknya... tanpa kalian apalah artinya seorang genial, ta'e-laaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!


  9. weeehhhh hebat eui informasinya bagus banget, baru tau nich trik nya.

  10. gak ngerti tapi kok blognya bagusnyaaa heheheh :D
    Salam kenal sob

  11. keren ah..
    manteps..aku lagi belajar desain nih
    maksudnya belajar sendiri sih..

  12. astagaaaa keyennnn ... wew... mudah2an blajarnya ga sulit yaaa ... thx utk tutorial lagiii heheheh

  13. wah keren bgt!! makasih yah tutornya, ntar aku coba..

  14. eh aku tuh mo feed blogmu tapi gagal mulu euy..
    rssnya malah bilang blog not found 0.o

  15. heheheh kirain request gw bs dibuatin....heheheh anw tx loh buat info2nya.....sering2 ya ngasih tutorial ky gini

  16. klo yg nelan korban band beside..mas..
    klo burgerkill sekarang dah mulai konser di luar negri..saya amat prihati ama musisi bandung..bikin konser ajah harus sembunyi2..biar gak ketauan aparat..gara2 tragedi AACC tempo dulu yg nelan korban..12 orang..

  17.'s de trial time wit ma luvlie mac...thx a bunch...nice 2 know u eniwei... ;)

  18. nih dateng lagi..
    saya sudah lupa mainin pen tool nya boz...
    terbitkan edisi bahasa indonesianya dong biar lebih gampang belajarnya...

  19. coba ah...
    makasih bos.......

  20. @ cing_oleh : napa kang??!?!
    @ Sang Cerpenis bercerita : masih mba'... asli dahh :(
    @ @Coy : monggooo...

  21. nice..nice...

    and thanks 4 visit my blog...
    have a nice day


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