Friday, July 30, 2010

Gothic Wedding Invitation

Gothic Wedding InvitationHi there again and again... Guys, with a little tweaking, I think this could be used for a lot more than wedding invitations, goth, dark, bright, spring, summer.. whatever!

OK... Like usual... Open a new document in Photoshop. I don’t do too much girly stuff, so I thought this might be a good time to pander a bit to the ladies. First thing first... Creating some texture, I'm gonna use a rough-edged brush at a low opacity to create it.

Hit the Brush tool (B key) and from the Brush Picker choose the Chalk 60 Pixels brush (which is one of Photoshop’s default brushes). Set your foreground color to whatever you want. Mine is #695d00.

Gothic Wedding Invitation

Create a new layer called Dark Yellow in your Layers palette after the brush setup and color chosen, set your brush Opacity to 17% in the Brush Options bar at the top of Photoshop and paint roughly over the canvas as shown below.

Gothic Wedding Invitation

Hire Me?!

Repeat this process several times. Replacing the brush pressure to give some texture and depth in the background until you are satisfied with the results. Let your creativity be your guide, remember we'll put the text there, so try to give a contrast color on the text..

Add a Layer Mask by clicking the Add Layer Mask icon at the bottom of the Layers Palette. Restore your brush Opacity to 100%, then select GrungeBorders Brush.

Gothic Wedding Invitation

Drop the Brush Opacity down to 20% or until you feel just right.

Gothic Wedding Invitation

Create a new layer above the layer dark yellow, give the name of Grunge. Replace the brush color to white (by pressing the D or X key if they have not become a default). Choose one of the brushes that we downloaded with 100% Opacity.

Gothic Wedding Invitation

Next we'll try to be -let's say- a lil' bit creative by adding photos. Here's the photograph I've downloaded for you...

Gothic Wedding Invitation
Image source:

Hold down the Alt key and clicking-and-dragging the mask from one layer to the other so that we can copy the mask that we had created.

Gothic Wedding Invitation

Click the lock icon located between the Layer Thumbnail and Layer Mask in the Photo layer. This will enable us to move our pictures without damaging the mask that we make.

Put your photo on the left side half of the paper invitations or whatever you want how good, then use the GrungeBorders Brush on Layer Mask.

Gothic Wedding Invitation

Once more... I wanna add a little old manuscript in the above photo and diluting it so that there is impressed scribbles on paper.

Gothic Wedding Invitation

Image source:

Change the Blend Mode to Soft Light, then press Shift + Ctrl + I to make a negative movie script.

Gothic Wedding Invitation

So far.. everything's just fine, right? Use this DecoStrip Brush to bring your invitation a lil' bit more attractive or something :)

Gothic Wedding Invitation

Font used here is Champagne Font, and Blair Md ITC TT Medium Font.. or you an explore it for more with Belphebe Font.. It's all up to you guys :) Thanks for reading, and ladies, I hope you enjoyed yourselves. Here's the final result.

Gothic Wedding Invitation

Read this tutorial in Indonesia!


  1. Keren bOZ...!!!
    Good tutorial...!!!
    Met malam and met beristirahat.

  2. duh, makin susah nih pelajarannya

  3. tdk sampe segitu nya penguasaan sy akan photoshop...

  4. sip, buat yang mau nikah atau yang dapat jatah buat undangan nikahan :)

  5. Great tutorial there!! :D

    Pinkie Anggia

  6. @ pinkie.sugarpuff : I've already vote you :)
    cahyoooooo :)

  7. wow, artikel ny berguna bgt nih sob.. cocok bgt bwt mnmbh wawasan ku seputar tema ini..

    sob, mengingt blog ni sngt bermanfaat bgt q.. tukeran link yok!!

    link blog kamu sudah terpasang di blogku, link balik yach :) silahkan di liat di blogku!!

    ntar pasang link ku dengan anchor text "Naruto Soundtrack" yach,

    dan jdi follower q juga y, siapa thu aja dgn kehadiran blogger se-hebat kamu, blog ku bisa
    sedikit rame dan berwibawa gtu.he3

    ntar secara berkala q bakal sering-2 silaturahmi kesini..

    d tunggu kehdirannya yach :D

    salam dari blogger indonesia setengah bule.he3


  8. wah, master sotosop ternyata,,mantap mas
    ajari lain kali yang paling dasar,hehe

  9. Tukeran link yuk..saya dah pasang link blog ini di
    di widget link "Blog Teman", kalo belum muncul klik "Perlihatkan Semua". Daftar "Blog Teman" muncul sesuai update postingan terbaru blog anda


  10. tutorial bagus nih. sayange basane ga mudeng. bisa rikuwe ga, blognya dibuat dalam 2 bahasa...

  11. terasa Lebih mudah daLam mengapLikasikan dengan dipandu postingan sobat, saatnya untuk mempraktekan.

  12. Mantep ini Sob , , , dicoba ntar ne ah

  13. Tutorial yang sangat membantu.. saya bookmark sob.. Soalnya ada pelajaran photosop nih di sekolah saya.. Saya follow blognya, jangan lupa follow balik ya..

  14. great sotosop work here........... may be i can learn more about sotosop here,... hhe.. nice blog brau.........

  15. Asslm,,,,

    Kunjungan Balik nih Sob,
    Thanks ya udah Berkunjung ke Rumahku…hehehe
    Rumahnya (Blognya…red) tambah oke aja,
    Gak bosen deh saya sempatkan untuk Datang ke Sini lagi..!!

    Sob saya punya Blog baru nih,
    Sempatkan untuk berkunjung ya, ini Rumah Baruku…


  16. wuuiihh.. kereennn banget jadinya!!! mantep iihh ^^

  17. keren bang! digoyaaang, btw siapa itu rome and juli, nikahnya besok lusa noh..

  18. sob, link kamu sdh terpasang di blog ku dgn anchor text "FCDB"

    link ku juga y sob, maksih :D

  19. @ all : maaf utk yang berkanan tukeran link... baru besok saiia bisa penuhi permintaan akang, soalnya mlm nii saiia sama sekali gag bisa log-in di tempat saiia :( sekali lagi maaf.. mungkin besok baru bisa :) harap bersabar... dan nanti jika sudah bisa dan sudah saiia pasang... pasti saiia kabari :)

    terimakasii :)

  20. lagi rame tukeran link yah... mau dong... aku add juga yah sekalian...

  21. Sayang, masa pengantinku sudah lewat 20 tahun yang lalu, kalau nggak bisa minta bantuan :D

    Gen, saya save aja ya, kebetulan sudah dapat photoshop ;)

  22. oke deh.. d tunggu yach.. keep blogging :D

  23. google translatenya lagi error, bacanya ngak jelas jadinya,, hehe

  24. wooow bagus sekali Mas Gen
    saya suka sekali ornamen decorative seperti bunga2 merayap gitu
    sayang saya sudah menikah
    khan bisa pesan sama Mas Gen :)

  25. jalan-jalan malam.. lagi suntuk nih :D

  26. berkunjung lagi
    salam persahabatan brooo

  27. salam persahabatan juga bro :)

  28. berkunjung dengan senyuman lagi

  29. Akh..... ni orang selalu keren tips2 nya >.< jadi gregetan

  30. ahh.. si mmmiaouwww bisa ajja nii :p kmn ajja?!?!?!?

  31. ok banget tutor nya. jadi makin jago dah nih sama photoshop :D


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