Thursday, July 29, 2010

Rubi Tile Cutter

Rubi Tile CutterI have been using tile cutters for this two months. They are much simpler than wet cutting. They are lightweight, don't do a sloppy mess, and you can save directly to the hands when cutting.

TS60 is a little more expensive than what you would pay for a rate cut, but HomeDepot or Lowe over the quality of the league. Budget cutters are hard to use, and you are often difficult to completely cut off.

TS60 is a good thing because it can reduce the 18" tile on the diagonal.. It's better to get a piece of a sample to see if it will work. Porcelain to be found only when wet. Jump to when you need more information about this tool. Have a gorgeous day to you all guys :)


  1. Itu cuter buat motong apa ya..gede banget ya...!!!
    Sepertinya fungsinya juga sangat istimewa....trimakasih dah sharin informasinya...nice posting...
    Maaf pake B.Lokal Commentnya. Met beristirahat.

  2. gpp kang bhsa apa ajja jadi...
    iia itu buat potong ubin kang :)
    met istirahat juga :)

  3. Nice content mas..apa kabarnya? Udah Lama rasanya saya tidak kesini..

  4. mas, ad versi bhs indo ny gk?? bingung ngebca ny, cz bhsa inggrs q gk spntr mas..hiks.hiks

  5. mas, tukeran link yok!!

    reply ke shoutmix q ych, ntar link kmu pasti q psang dalm waktu 1x24 jm..

    salam blogger indonesia^_^

  6. paid review ya? hehe..
    link anda juga udah terpasang dengan nama FCDB..terima kasih banyak gan !
    salam blogger !

  7. inyong baru tahu kalau ada cutter segede itu

  8. waaah para tukang lantai sangat membutuhkan alat ini
    mantap reviewnya neh

  9. ngeri juga ya liat katernya...hehe...kunjungan pertamaku...:)

  10. kunjungan balik.
    thanks dah mampir.

  11. buat motong triplek kale,..

  12. sesuai sama judulnya... iia buat ubin lah kang :(

  13. apaan sih ini?!?!?!?

  14. Tiling can be a very intricate and time consuming process, and as such, it's important to get it right. A good workman needs good tools, and tile cutting is no exception.


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