Thursday, March 12, 2009

My 1st Awards

Dear friends,

You are one of the most unique people I've ever known. You're an amazing friend and are just like my bro. I've truly never known anyone like you.

Thanx for all you've done to this cold blog!


  1. Pameran award ni ??
    You deserve them, Nel

  2. genialbutuhsesuatuMay 17, 2009 at 6:54 AM

    beres dikit :p

    bukan pameran 'da'... cuma berusaha ngumpulin dlm satu bundel paket yg di kasih judul, itu aja kuk, biar gag ribed... heheheheh...


When you gotta go, you gotta go! Throw it all away HERE! Lmao!