It's just like riding a bike you had to train yourself to balance, shove off and switch to pedaling all the while keeping your balance. I can teach you where to put your fingers but you have to put them there! Only you can make yourself good at it. This is the hardest thing you will ever have to learn! But the teacher is you.. so start teaching yourself now!
Here are a few good exercises to help coordinate your brain and fingers:
Pull-offs and trills are great exercises to build hand strength and are a necessary element to lead guitar playing. The idea is to: hold the string with one finger and pull it off the string to the point where it feels as if the meat of your finger is plucking the string... You'll feel the string snap out from underneath the finger and in so doing the note you hold behind the one you just pulled off from will ring.

A trill is the process of hammering a finger down on a string and pulling of repeatedly. The hammer action causes a note to sound and pulling it off so that the note fingered behind it sounds. The only difference between a pull-off and a trill is that a trill is repeatedly really fast.
Ah, jadi inget suami dan anak saya...mereka berdua suka banget main gitar :)
ReplyDeleteSalam kenal ya, trima kasih buat kunjungannya :)
kayak ngetik di keyboard ... kalo kebiasaan bisa muncul finger memory :D
ReplyDeletewow pelajaran gitar nih..
ReplyDeletenice info nich... :)
ReplyDeletenice posting....
ReplyDeleteternyata jari juga punya memory heheeee
@ Bintang : sama-sama iia :)
ReplyDelete@ John Terro : bener banged kang.. sama! merem juga bisa :)
@ Sang Cerpenis bercerita : iia nii mbak :)
@ radesya : makasii ampirannya kang iia ;)
@ dhedhi : punya kang klu kita emang mau break down :) lohh..?!?!
Aku malah belajar dari dulu ngga bisa-bisa ....
ReplyDeletebaca artikel ini, jd ingat.. pernah punya keinginan belajar gitar beberapa waktu lalu, tapi keinginan itu langsung ilang dengan sendirinya krn tak kunjung punya gitaaaaaar.. hahaha.. :D :D :D
ReplyDeleteWahhhh asiknya andai aq bisa bermain gitar,,,,
ReplyDeletePostingan yg menarik,,,,,
Saya gak bisa main gitar
ReplyDeletecuma bisa dikit lebih tepatnya :)
wach,mantabs nich ka...
ReplyDeleteterjemahin dulu ach...
Nice content kang..mantap
ReplyDeletegood! but I can't play guitar, hihi,, :D
wah ada pelajaran gitar ya hihi
ReplyDeleteblogwalking :)
tau aja nih saya suka maing gitar dikalah lagi suntuh,, sembari menghibur diri,,,
ReplyDeleteHello..good job!Good articles,nice to be here..!
ReplyDeleteYa tetap pada dasarnya otak kita tempatnya memory tapi harus ada sinkronisasi antara otak dan jari tangan untuk bisa melakukannya (bermain gitar).
it is an awesome tutorial
ReplyDeletebut.. isn't it hard to try?
Pinkie Anggia
kayak gimana gitu ya metiknya hhe
ReplyDeletesaya suka bermain gitar, tapi enggak jago. eman ya kenapa mesti bahasa Inggris keterangannya bro. aku kan ora mudeng ikhs..ikhss..
ReplyDeletepernah juga belajar main gitar, mas, tapi dasar ndak mudhengan, belajar gitar berkali-kali ndak pernah bisa lulus, hiks.
ReplyDeleteKalo ngomongin soal gitar, nyerah deh.
ReplyDeleteGak pernah2 bisa :D
Paling kalo bisa juga main di kunci itu2 aja, wkakakak...
Aku malu :p
belajar gitar yang pertama-tama melatih jari ya
ReplyDeleteini pelajaran yg ga bisa kupelajari
mpe sekarang ga brasil brasil
Ijin NYimak gan :D
ReplyDelete@ all : makasii akang nona tante buat kehadirannya di sini :)
ReplyDeletekayaknya jago maen gitar...nih..ajarin dunk..
ReplyDeletedikit2 duang kang :(
ReplyDeletedari dulu belajar maen gitar bisanya cuman lagu "pesawat tempur" doank :D
ReplyDeletehahaha...baru aja belajar maen gitar neh
ReplyDeleteGreat tutorial :)
ReplyDeleteI love hearing and watching someone playing guitar; but I can't play it...
kayaknya ini sangat cocok buat bahan pendukung bermain gitar
ReplyDelete@ julie : miliknya kang Iwan?!?!? wahh itu sii keren.. saiia justru gag bisa yg bgtu :(
ReplyDelete@ julicavero : hehehe.. iia nii kang :)
@ lina@women's perspectives : it's quite OK :) dengan adanya pendengar kan jd ada kritik serta saran.. sapa tau ajja permaenannya gag enak tp hajar bleh terus karena gag ada yg komplain :p
@ Rizky2009 : klu emang bgtu.. di monggo kang :)
pingin baca, tapi Lupa bawa kamus. :(
ReplyDeletehehehehe gpp kang :p