On top of being a terrible writer, son, fella, dude, friend, and of course blogger, I am a creative spirit (just because I'm that kinda guy :p). How do I do that? How do I always busy with sum'thing (now it just because I'm not that kinda guy) creative..?
I always wish that I had some creative outlet in my mind, in my damn life... So far I've actually been lucky to be born like this and find a creative profession like I do now.. because it gives me the best reason in the world to express it in a way that I want to and regardless of what other people said.
It's my life. Certainly. It's my job. I don't have to always squeeze thee creativity every single morning, somewhere between my meals with my time of contemplation or reflection (Renungan Kloset, a term I often use). People like me (..what?!?!?) just think and express the art through such way. Now, if I was also thinking about patents, copyrights or any other law stuffs, then I'm sure I'd failed to make the move.
I don't even go to work.. to an office like y'all bloggoholics 9 to 5, I'm just trying to share how you could easily learn Photoshop. That's it. As simple as that. Of course.. I really admire the hard work done by others Art Workers in the real world, the craftsman for example, who always worked late at night, and so on and so on.
I've a lot of time to enjoy some of my favo coffee cup, and as an ordinary human being, self-expression like this plus a lot of laughs in the morning before going to bed, play a major role in enabling me to maintain my identity. I never felt lost role as a friend of course, because I am surrounded by thousands of thousands of great talented men from all over the world like y'all doods.. :)
Maybe.. it's just maybe.. you (especially women) have a lot of time to make a stunning family scrapbooks. Believe me, if you spend lil' time in the middle of your occupation, perform activities with an open mind and inventive spirit meet the requirements as a creative outlet that you want. The creativity ain't an act, but an attitude.
Why on earth you don't even give it a try!!!
Menjadi kreatif atau melakukan suatu pekerjaan yang menghasilkan sekaligus menyenangkan memang kayaknya lebih enak daripada menjadi karyawan yang pergi pulang malam. Tapi kalau disuruh main potoshop...wah nyerah deh, mumet ! mending disuruh nyangkul di kebon...hehe. selamat berkreatif ria aja deh...
ReplyDeleteEh...komennya nyambung ga ya ? :)
kreatif sebenernya hanya milik allah ya.. :D tapi manusia itu modukatif :d
ReplyDelete@ Noor's blog (inside of me ) : nyambung mas.. setuju banged saiia nya... tp saiia lagi gag enak badan nii.. jd gag bisa kasih tanggepan :(
ReplyDelete@ sibair : harus saiia tanyakan dulu nii kang sama engkong gugel.. tp kek nya sii tepat juga sii :(
Linknya udah Dimasukin...masukin Link say ya....
ReplyDeleteLearn Photoshop?
ReplyDeleteHmmm...nice idea.
But, harus punya bakat juga.
Bisa sih diasah.
Tapi setidaknya punya kemampuan sedikit dalam dunia desain mendesain :D
Tapi bolehlah...wajib punya kekuatan untuk hidup berkreatif! :)
Renungan Kloseeeet... hahaha.. :D :D :D
ReplyDeletebetewe...iya si, rutinitas yg membosankan bisa lebih berwarna klo ada kreatifitas...jadi inget, jaman kuliah pas masi muda dulu, suntuk karena liburan yg kepanjangan, malah ada ide dagang risoles sama temen-temen...*eh, itu kreatif ga sih? hahahaha.. :p
kalo photoshop... pernah juga ngutak-ngatik.. belajar otodidak gt deh, trial-error, nyoba2 ngedit poto bukannya tambah bagus tapi malah tambah aneh keliatannya.. sampe akhirnya nyeraaaaaah sekarang.. hihi.. :D
*ups, sorry jadi kepanjangan komennya :-p
ReplyDeletesama juga, lama tak berkunjung..
kreatif, lanjutkan...(hehehe)
modukatif apaan tuh maksudnya?
"The creativity ain't an act, but an attitude" hmm oke juga hehe udah dipasang linknya itu om hahaha maap maap baru dipasang :p
ReplyDeletekreatif terus deh pokoknya, walau hasilnya tak kreatif kreatif amat. selamat siang.
ReplyDeletesaya lagi nyari jiwa kreatif saya nih hahaha...perasaan jadi kurang berkembang gini yaa
ReplyDeletesalam kenal kk.
ReplyDeletekunjungan pertama diblog ini :)
aduh sy krg bisa english mas,,tpi keep blogging ajah hahaha
ReplyDeleteblogwalking :p