Sunday, January 17, 2010

Vector Graphic

Vector GraphicDrawing shapes and paths

Drawing in Photoshop involves creating -not so complexe thing that you can imagine before- here it is, vector shapes and paths. For better or worse, you can easily create this thing with the Freeform Pen tool, Shape tools, or the Pen Tool (P) . Each tool's option are totally available in the flying menu in the left of options bar.

Before you begin drawing in Photoshop, you must choose a drawing mode from the options bar. The mode you choose to draw in making certain whether you create a vector shape on its own layer, a work path on an existing layer, or even just a rasterized shape on an existing layer.

I think you gotta know well your workflow first, each tool define in its regulation. Vector shapes (see the explanations here!) are lines and curves you draw using the shape or pen tools. After that, we talk about Paths, Paths are outlines that you can turn into selections, or fill and stroke with color. The outline of a shape is a path. You can easily change the shape of a path by editing its anchor points. Usually I said to you by Right + Click or something.

Finally, a work path is a temporary path that appears in the Paths palette and defines the outline of a shape.

You can use paths in several ways:
• Use a path as a vector mask to hide areas of a layer. (See “About layer and vector masks” on Vektor with Photoshop)
• Convert a path to a selection. (See “Convert paths to selection borders” on Vector... again)
• Fill or stroke a path with color. (See “Fill paths with color” on Again Line Art and Illistration look)

To get put it all right and more control over the final look of your images, then Shape Layers and Paths are the way to go.

Vector Graphic

Vector Graphic

Vector Graphic

Vector Graphic

Vector Graphic

Vector Graphic

I try to be careful and wish you enjoyed it so much then maybe picked up a new trick or two.
See other samples here!


  1. wkwkw itu ada budi anduk bukan sih? hahah kereeeen, sekali-kali bikinin muka gue dong wkwkw (luna maya)

  2. ho ho iia ntu si budi... gag mirip iia.. huehehehe... luna...?!?!?!? bole bole... :)

  3. masih ga ngerti bro. vector path itu yg mana???? sumpah... kali ini ga ngerti penjelasannya T______T *Am I missing something???*

  4. Waduh,
    buset ini habisin benwit hehehe...

  5. @ kucing tengil : sebenernya mungkin yang dimaksud kucing itu 'path itu apa?' gtu iia?!?!?! soalnya di sini gag menitik beratkan ke vector path atau shape path.. nnahhh dari situ sebenernya uda bisa dibedain... namanya juga vector, artinya klu gambarnya kita perbesar hingga se'alaihim gambreng'pun, gambar tersebut gag akan pecah, beda jika kita hanya menggunakan shape (shape path).. jelas dari situ bedanya, pada flying menu yang ada di kiri Photoshop kita, press P, lalu pada menu yang tersedia di atas, kita pilih yang Path, maka nanti hasilnya akan menjadi vector, dengan catatan, (ini yang penting) file kita tersebut kita save dalam format .psd

  6. Keren Bang...selalu mantab dah [pokoknya] kalo kesini.... bikin melongo terus...

  7. ngikut a-chen buleh iyaa Bang... :)

  8. ini nich sob yg aq suka... desain grafir...., trima kasih atas ilmunya kawan

  9. monggo bang buwel :) terimakasii lohhh atas kebaikannya menoreh satu dua kata di sini :)

  10. aku juga suka mainan vector, tapi giliran mewarnai... aduh... males bikin layer nya...

  11. dek bagus bgt grafisny, foto mb bs dbwt kyk gitu g y?:)

  12. Nggak bisa bayangin gimana kalau muka saya dalam gambar vektor..
    pasti tambah ancur deh...

  13. mukaku pasti jadi keren kalo pake vektor
    kalo aselinya seeeh amburadul

  14. bener gak harus digambar ulang buat ngasilin gambar vektor yang sempurna kang genial?

  15. Wadooow...kalo berhubungan sama vector saya nyerah deh...
    Susah anyir buatnya, gak pernah bisa2, wkwkwkkw...
    *Dasarnya emang males aja :D

  16. keren banget desain vektornya
    saya juga pengen nyoba vektor wajah sendiri

  17. Thanks Mas...patutu di coba, dari dulu pengenbanget di buatin vektor....bikinin dong ;)

  18. kang......iniloh yang pernah pengen aq pelajari.....membuat manusia menjadi kartun......sip kang tutornya

  19. don't forget about this one dood :)

  20. dear genial my friend do you remember me? i'm coming again......btw your adbrite kok lum muncul?aq juga gitukeluar kadang cuman tulisan ad by.......semangat kang.......


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