Saturday, January 02, 2010

Jarum Black - Storyboard

Jarum Black - StoryboardFor you... Photoshop lovers, this is the real choice. The delicious taste and unique aroma of coffee blended with strong, rich taste of art sensation leaves you with no other choice.

Ha ha... but I'm not talking about Coffee and Smoke stuffs here... or even the BIA Contest that you can find in internet :(. It's just a simple explanation that how Photoshop infect my life so much lately. Every tricky way of PSD Holic I gave to you gives you an unforgetable sensation.

This lovely time, I'm gonna share you this. How an Art Director think before his idea become such brilliant thing that we can directly found in our television screen. Creative hi-imagination. Keeping it in sky. Pick a paper and so... Creating a single shape that inspires a feeling, an emotion, deep down inside, and then it becomes a great huge art statement. Beautiful.

Camera rooolllll... silent please... ACTION!!!

Jarum Black - Storyboard

Jarum Black - Storyboard

Jarum Black - Storyboard

Jarum Black - Storyboard

Jarum Black - Storyboard

Jarum Black - Storyboard

Jarum Black - Storyboard

Result :

Jarum Black - Storyboard

For Great Sample Source :

Jarum Black - Storyboard

Jarum Black - Storyboard


  1. setiap datang kemari saya selalu terpukau sama hasil karya Mas Genial. Beberapa saya sulit untuk mengikuti ketelitiannya sehingga karyanya selalu presisi.

    Salam :)

  2. huadduhh... terlalu berlebihan nii kang Yayat :(
    ini biasa ajja kang :( duhhh...

  3. Kerenn Mas Gen!!

    Yang terakhir itu..
    boleh nanya khan??
    jenis Font nya diganti ya..
    yang nomor 6 dibandingkan dengan result yg terakhir font nya beda

  4. tetep melongo kalao kesini...ckckckckkc

  5. @ lyna riyanto : mksd nya? di banding sama yang Result?!?! gag di ganti ko' bunda.. cuma di jadiin 3D ajja.. berusaha nyamain sama di iklannya :p
    @ buwel : ckckckckck... sekali kali.. tokeee gtu bang buw :p

  6. kunjungan perdana
    salam dalam kehangatan musim

  7. @ si gaptek : gag juga ko' mas... biasa ajja.. masih banyak yg lebih dari ini di internet.. keren keren pula :(
    @ kezedot : salam juga dalam 'kedinginan' cuacana di luar sana kang :(

  8. contoh lainnya cakep banget mas :)

  9. gag dmn mana kuk.. nii cuma posting ttg gmn ngebuatnya ajja :)

  10. mampir siang kk... udah makan?!?!?

  11. ngilangin kegalauan ya Djarum BLACK.........


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