So you need to find your comfort zone. But what is that exactly? Only you can answer this but it usually amounts to a combination of these small elements.
1. Sitting or standing with your back straight and not slouched.
2. Fretting hand (left hand normally) should not be used to help hold the guitar in playing position but be free to play.
3. Pain - For the beginner (not you.. Einstein), finding the right comfort zone may be trial and error but under no circumstances should it be painful for long periods of time.
Of course using muscles that you have rarely or never used before is going to cause some discomfort and only with time and practice will get easier and more comfortable.
I can almost guarantee that if you are just starting out that you will feel some sort of pain. The trick is not to go extended amounts of playing with pain. Give yourself plenty of breaks just as you would if you were lifting weights.
4. Be two places at once.
What I mean by this is..
You have to think about all areas of your body at the same time not just one. For instance, it is easy to neglect the right hand/picking hand while concentrating on the fretting hand.
It takes practice to think about both at the same time but once mastered it will be second nature to you. Don't give up (I find no better joke)... a lot of what is involved physically in guitar playing amounts to coordination between all elements of hands, elbows and fingers, mind etc.
Read more about how you should hold a guitar in a best way!
wow ... sugoi na
ReplyDeletethank you for the kind comment :)
ReplyDeletewaw antik bener yacks
ReplyDeletemekasih atas komennya gen...
ReplyDeletekogh gitarnya kayak kayu jati....
@ Reza Saputra : senada sama kang biskut :P
ReplyDelete@ biskut : weleehh.. meneketehe :(
waduh.. piye cara makainya tuh...
ReplyDeletekira2 tuh gitar harganya berapa yah?
ReplyDeleteatau jangan2 ga dijual :)
nice share :D
ReplyDeletethanks gan kunjungannya....! waH GITarnya uniq banget yahh
ReplyDeletenice guitar...hehe
ReplyDeletewah kalo dah depan tv terus ada bantal, aku berarti dah masuk ke comfort zone
ReplyDeletesaya paling seneng main gitar sob, walau masih amatiran, kalau dah gitaran sampai lupa jadwal ngeblog.. pokoknya comfort zone banget .. :D
ReplyDeletekoq pada ngomongin gitar sih?? *laaah gw juga*
ReplyDeletekan yang ditulis tentang comfort zone.. hehehe
boleh diterangin nggak, hubungan comfort zone sama gitar bergagang banyak itu?
#dikeplak gara2 ngomong gitar lagi
@ John Terro : huaduh, mana saiia tau kang :p
ReplyDelete@ Attayaya : sama banged nii sama saiia :( :p
@ Dwi : bener kang, kalu uda kena gitar, lupa ngapa2in..
Gitar kadang bsa menjadi alat inspirasi juga, keren sob gitarnya hehehe...
ReplyDelete@ Gaphe : wkwkwkwkwk.. iia kang.. pan saiia lagi ngBhs, gmn enaknya megang gitar.. posisinya gtu.. ;) yg paling enak iia kan yg paling comfort menurut kitanya... gmn kang, bener gag?!?! :p seperti yg saiia bilang di post sebelumnya..
ReplyDelete@ yahya faqih : setuju saiia kang :)
ReplyDeletejadi bingung mau komen apa....
ReplyDeletelagi bahas apaan si sebenernya? hehehehe
I thought you just talked about comfort zone rite? using the guitar as an analogy? (hadeeeh bingung deh)
salam kenal aja deh... I'll try to leave a better comment next time..
selamat pagi..!
ReplyDeletewah,,unik banget tu gitar nya,,
gimana cara main nya itu....?
unik sekali :)
ReplyDeletehow could you write all of this fluently...by the way....the guitar is very scarry :)
ReplyDeletewoow,. classic guitar,.. it so awesome :D
ReplyDeleteweb set yang menyenangkan ,,,, semoga hari mu indah gan
ReplyDeletemakasii doa nya kang :)
ReplyDeleteselamat Siang gan ,,,, selam sehat ,,,, Thnks Infonya,
ReplyDeleteweb set yang menyenangkan ,,,, semoga hari mu indah gan
ReplyDeleteweb fun,,,, I hope your day beautiful gan
thanks for the article,,, cool .... hopefully I'll be able to visit her again to the web,,,,,
Thnks gan atas Infonya ,,,, Ditunggu Info Berikutnya
ReplyDeleteIJin Nyimak gan ,,,,, bagus articalnya,,,,,
ReplyDeleteluar biasa sekali gan infonya .. artikel demi artikel penuh dengan makna dan motivasi
ReplyDeleteSenang Hari ini bisa berkunjung ke web ini ,,, sukses gan
ReplyDeletesenang hati bisa berkunjung ke sini,,,,, bbikin lebih pariatif lagi dong gan ,,,,,,
ReplyDeletethnks gan infonya verry nice!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIjin Nyimak gan ,,, kaya keren ni artikelnya
ReplyDeletewah Ga asik ni kalau ,,,, ga baca dulu ,,,, ijin y Gan ,,,,, beuh keren ni web nya
ReplyDeleteayo gan kita sama2 berkarya ,,,, agar buat negara ini bangga
ReplyDeletethnks Gan ,,Salam Kenal
ReplyDeletethnks gan infonya ,,, wahhhhhh
ReplyDeleteijin nyimak gan ,,,,,,, thnks sebelumnya....
ReplyDeletethnks gan infonya verry nice!!!!!
ReplyDeletemet kerja gan ,,,,, kasih imfluens yang baik buat gan gan yang lain ya
ReplyDeleteinformainya cukup menarik
ReplyDeleteinformainya cukup mnearik
ReplyDeleteinformainya cukup menarik
ReplyDeleteinformainya cukup meanrik
ReplyDeleteinformainya cukup menarik
ReplyDeleteinformainya cukup menarik
ReplyDeleteinformainya cukup menarik
ReplyDeletetrimakasih ...sangat inofatif sekali
ReplyDeleteinformainya cukup menarik
ReplyDeleteterimakasih atas informasi yang sangat menarik dan bermanfaat ini.
ReplyDeleteinformasinya keren,terimakasih ya!
ReplyDeleteInformasinya sangat bagus dan bermanfaat.
ReplyDeleteInformasinya sangat bagus dan bermanfaat.
ReplyDeleteinformasinya sangat menarik dan bermanfaat,terimakasih ya!
ReplyDeleteinformasinya mantap gan, thank ya,sukses terus oke!
ReplyDeletemakasih atas infonya sangat menarik dan artikelnya juga berkualitas
ReplyDeleteterimakasih gan buat informasi nya semoga bermanfaat ya
makasih atas infonya sangat menarik dan artikelnya juga berkualitas
ReplyDeleteinformasi yang di sajikan,mantap gan!
ReplyDeleteinformasi yang di sajikan,mantap gan!
ReplyDeleteunik dan bagus sekali pinter baget yang bikinya
ReplyDeleteterimakasih buat informasinya sangat bagus dan menari..
ReplyDeleteinfonya sangat menarik dan artikelnya juga berkualitas
ReplyDeletetulisan yang bagus dan bermanfaat sekali....terimakasih untuk postingannya!
ReplyDeleteada info menarik nya nih di sini di simak ya sob http://goo.gl/xaIF6h
ReplyDeleteterimaksih infonya gan bagus menarik sekali..
ReplyDeleteslam semangat