The theory is that the scene is the dart form the sky is the vengeance of heaven.

An axe cutting down the British league dynasty in Europe.
Argentine surrenders is expiated and the mnster,
Beckham him self is removed to Milano, Italy.
Very ingenious if one can accept it.
keren euy gambarnya. mantap
ReplyDeletemantap kang gambarnya..
ReplyDeletesip2 mau dunk diajarin
Knjungan blik sob, slm knal ya..;-)
ReplyDeleteInteresting illustration you got here,bro..keep the good job!
ReplyDeleteWalah aku ora mudheng blas Gen.
ReplyDeleteTanda tangan saya belum ya (*ngarep banget*)
halooo sooob slam kenal
ReplyDeletekalau foto saya dibegitukan, berapa harganya?
ReplyDeleteHUaaaa..aku naksir mas gambarnya.
ReplyDeleteJadi keren banget gitu...
Mau..mau..mau :D
ajarin pelan-pelan bang :(
ReplyDeleteSaya masih perlu banyak beljar untuk menghasilkan yg seperti itu.. :)
ReplyDeletewahh.. bang genial kedatengan artis artis jepang sepertinya di semua lini :p
ReplyDeletekeren Mas :)
ReplyDeleteSekali lagi saluut atas hasil kreasinya :)
keren keren kereeen :)
ReplyDeletebauu duid disni hihihihh
ReplyDeletekemanakah dirimu??? :(
interesting quotes :)
ReplyDeletebaru sempet komen... selalu keren as always :)
ReplyDeletevisit me back please here at : thank you....
mantabz gan!
ReplyDeleteom yasin sitenya gmn tuh masuknya?!?!?
ReplyDeletekerennn !!!!
ReplyDeleteKunjungan balik dan terfollow! Salam kenal...
ReplyDeletemau coba koleksi saya? silahkan berkunjung...
ReplyDeletesalam kenal juga buat semua yang bru berkunjung ke tempat saiia yag apa adanya ini.. iia abothee iia lemooodeee... di monggo di terima aee kang mba' iia... :p
ReplyDeletesudahkah anda membayar pajak?
ReplyDeletewaw ........ good one ..... but I do not like the avatar .....
ReplyDeletewaktu indehoy.... waktu indehoooooooooooooyyy :p