Sunday, March 21, 2010

Shape of things to come

genial - Atas Bawah Production

A major art gallery was added and we lobbied for further commercial spaces to create additional site destinations.

Shape and form take dominant roles in these new interpretations of a public space, an Atas Bawah productions.

Image stocks needed : Use your wild imagination!


  1. alo dek p kbr :)

    g tau dek, kykny blog mb dsusupi software virus, mgkn jg krn mb kbiasaan buka blog lwt google, ngaruh g y?

    wah gmn y, gmn crny spy bs normal lg?

    tq :)

  2. assalamualaikum...
    kunjung balik nih..
    lama ga kesini

  3. keren tuh...dibalik...bingung tadi...

  4. @ raini : maaf saiia gag bisa nyelesain masalah yang sedang mba hadapi.. bukan karena gag perduli atau apa... tapi emangnya saiia gag ngerti sama yang bgtu2an mba :(
    sekali lagi saiia mohon maafnya :(
    turut berduka buat blognya, mudah2an kutukannya ceped di angkat :(


When you gotta go, you gotta go! Throw it all away HERE! Lmao!