Monday, February 08, 2010

Creating an Eye Ball with FUN!

Creating an Eye BallHolla Hooppp!!! It's me again :p Waddap?!?!? Guys, today we're gonna discover together how to create a realistic fascinating Eye Ball. Creating an Eye Ball actually could be an enjoyable funny task with many design options available on internet today. Creating an Eye Ball is currently quite popular and in demand.

When Create an Eye Ball, one of the first things you will include is your deep innocent part of the transparent eye part. The default mode gives you a plain white background. You can create your own background if you are computer skilled and even a little bit creative. OK enuf with the mongkey business folks, let's jump right in...

Step One

Start by creating a new square file around 1000x1000px. Set your colour palette to Red foreground combined with white background.

Enter to the menu ;

a. Filter > render > clouds
go on.. go on...
b. Filter > texture > stained glass (leave the default >> cell size 10, light intensity 4, border 3)
c. Filter > blur > radial blur you can choose Best and zoom/distance 80
d. Image > Adjust > Invert then go to Image > adjust > exposure (for more contrast). See the screenshot below...

Creating an Eye Ball

Step Two

Create a New Layer by pressing Ctrl + N. Create a circle by hitting on M key on your PC at that new layer with almost filling the whole canvas. Set the Feather in about 1px and fill with black. You can easily apply that by this Ctrl + Alt + D shortcutting key. Take a deep breath for a moment doods :)... OK, now from the drop down menu, Select > modify > contract set to 6.
Feather the selection by 5, delete.

Take a look at this image below!

Creating an Eye Ball

Creating an Eye Ball

You should now be left with a dark ring like this.

Creating an Eye Ball

Create a new layer and let's draw a new circle for the pupil part, remember... not too big and fill it ofcourse with black or something :p Next... From the Layers pallete (in the right side of your workflow), select this layer and add outer glow. Choose a wise green that compliments and accomplish the blue textured iris. You can create it diffused and wide, just normaly play with the settings 'til you're happy fellas.

Creating an Eye Ball

Step Three

Create a new layer and name it Highlight1 or something. On that Highlight1 layer create the highlights part of the eye by drawing a simple white circle. Carefuly catch the light however you like, but -remind to bear in mind- you have to follow the center of curvature of the Eye Ball.

Creating  an Eye Ball

Let's create a new layer and name it Highlight2 :) (that's why I named the previous layer with Highlight1 :p) Doods... Add more catch lights or reflections as you so desire and vary the transparencies of the layers to get varying degree of reflections. Here I use a white circle with help of U to call the Black lines and delete that black line to create a window reflection.. you can create your own reflection using your wild amazing imagination ofcourse :)

Creating an Eye Ball

Creating an Eye Ball

To finish this, select the Magic Wand (W) to select the outside of the larger circle (perhaps you can pick your 1st BG if you do duplicate it in case this is happen, right :p). Keep activate the selection and create a new layer and fill the selection with white.

Creating an Eye Ball

With creating a further illusion of a bulge in the eye with final burning in around the edge of the eye. Keep that in mind, choose the mid-tones for it.

Creating an Eye Ball

Ok so what is different?

2nd Result.

Creating  an Eye Ball


The reflection is on a separate layer. It is a jumping skating silhouette model. Use warp to bend the image as though on a sphere and then set the layer opacity so you can see the eye detail through it. If you have a particularly realistic reflection you may wish to sharpen it so it stands out. To do that I made a new layer with the Blending Mode set to Color (Soft Light in some cases works fine also), then I used a very soft brush with proper color, and Voilà!

1st Result

Creating an Eye Ball
Just like I said.. In the end you can give it a nice overall skating model like my 2nd result, this will bring even more quality to your work I guess.. or not?!?!?!? lmao. But again and again... I hope you liked this piece, thanks for reading. The main purpose of this tutorial was to show you a good direction in how to use these effects.

So be creative and try to discover your way of using them.

Download PSD


  1. BAS itu ap sih? review jg? knp g kluar bro duitny?

  2. om jagi banget sih ngengambarnya....
    aku mau dunk diajarin ngegambar :D


  3. wau nice tips bro, tq 4 share :)

  4. pakar bener dah urusan photoshop ini. Saya agak mandeg bentar belajarnya he he.
    Oh ya mas, emailnya belum saya terima tuh mas ya. Bisa dikirim ulang lewat kontak yang ada di Trims.
    Salam hangat selalu :)

  5. berkunjung di sore hari sambil mengadakan transaksi untuk meminta link barang kali di sore ini yang berbuat baik untuk memberikan link kepada kami...

  6. Saya jadi ingn blajar tentang ini, saya akui kelemahan saya dalam segi desain grafis.. Bisa ajaring saya?

  7. thanks for the tips..should try it :D

  8. ingetin gw akan yg satu ini mas :)

  9. Salam super-
    Salam hangat dari pulau Bali-
    menarik sekali artikel anda...

    sukses untuk Anda...

  10. Halo kang genial....selalu dengan efek sotoshop yang hebat deh...gmn kabarnya?

  11. ho..ho..ho.. mantap tutorialnya, makasih yah.. jadi tambah ilmu lagi nih..

  12. kang genial sekarang kok template nya ganti?maap baru mampir yah kang....

  13. Looks like a difficult way to make it,huh....
    You're design creative, friends! Thumbs up!

  14. artike bagus sobat...
    ditunggu follownya ya..

  15. untung komennya bisa gak pake bahasa kompeni. apa kabar sob?

  16. butuh berapa bulan belajar begini nih geni? hahahahah keren amat

  17. ih manggilnya geni ajah ah ngikutan ocky... hihihihi..
    selalu mantab bang pothoshopnya.... melongooooo.....

  18. buwel nitip link ajah ya geni... :-)

  19. wadoh,,,
    gak ngerti saia..
    selamat malam ajah deh... :D

  20. Lama nggak main kesini tutorialnya makin tambah greeng aja Gen, kayaknya permohonan tanda tangan saya belum jadi yah ?


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